Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Why doesn’t Telerik offer phone/IM support?

    Telerik is well known for the high quality of its support organization and customers are overall quite happy from our responsiveness and helpfulness. Nonetheless, from time to time we’d get inquiries why we are not offering phone support, chat or GoToMeeting as part of our regular support services. After answering several inquiries over the last few months, I decided to blog about it and let everyone know why technical phone support is not offered (at least at present). I’d first like to make a distinction – there is a huge difference between general/pre-sales phone/IM support and technical IM/phone support. We do offer...

    Common RadWindow issues and their solution

    The RadWindow control is part of the Telerik’s RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX suite and is intended to replace the standard browser’s popup ( Since the control is based on an IFRAME, it behaves just like one – basically, whatever can be done with an IFRAME, can be achieved with RadWindow as well. This fact is useful when you investigate a reason for some problem related to the RadWindow control. Just replace the RadWindow with a standard IFRAME or browser’s popup and see how your application will behave in this case. If the problem still exists, then it is not related to the...
    June 04, 2009
  • Web

    Breaking the ice: RIA Services and Silverlight 3

    Implementing Line of Business applications has never been easier before. RIA services together with the rich presentation layer in Silverlight provide a powerful foundation for building n-tier application that will do the heavy lifting of your data layer. RIA Services relies on the ADO.NET Entity Framework to create an entity data model of your relational database and interpret the entities independently of their data store representation. In this way you can use the power of LINQ to Entities to implement query logic against the entities without using t-sql, and rely on the entity relationship to retrieve information for any relationship between...
  • Web

    Cannot discover WCF services in your Silverlight application?

    If you try to add service reference in your Silverlight application and you simply cannot discover any services in the solution using the Add Service Reference tool here is the way how to solve it. Note that the issue occurs both in Silverlight 2 and Silverlight 3 Beta.     1. Uninstall your Silverlight tools for Visual Studio      2. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE or the place you have installed your Visual Studio environment.     3. Delete the file Microsoft.VisualStudio.ServicesProxy.dll      4. Install again Silverlight tools for Visual Studio and note that your file will be created again. There seems to be something wrong with the installer of Silverlight tools, which...
  • Web

    Using IValueConverter to format values in RadControls for Silverlight

    It’s often necessary to modify or format some of the raw data received by your data tier application or other data sources. In Silverlight, you can create your own value converter and introduce your own formatting rules. In this blog post I will create a simple value converter that formats double values, and then use it with a RadComboBox. First, let’s create a class that will represent our data source. The equivalent of this class in more realistic scenario would be a proxy class generated by your data tier application in case you use RIA services.     public class Data : List<Item>       {           public Data()           {               this.Add(new Item() { Name = "Ferrari", Price = 120000 });               this.Add(new Item() { Name = "Mercedes", Price = 100000 });...
    April 29, 2009