Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Image caching in PDF

    Over the past few days I worked on an image caching mechanism in the PDF Rendering Extension and I am happy to announce that the achieved output size reduction was more than significant. The Problem When a report contains the same binary image many times, the PDF Rendering Extension has no way of knowing that it is actually one and the same and renders it many times thus wasting disc space. For an illustration of this case imagine that you have your company's logo in the page header and your report is 200 pages long. The Solution: Enter Cyclic Redundancy Check I've implemented a central...
    September 09, 2008
  • Release

    Telerik Reporting Q2 2008 SP1 is now live

    Hello People,   My name is Rossen Hristov and I am a developer at the Telerik Reporting team. This is my first post and in it I would like to share some good news with you -- Telerik Reporting Q2 2008 SP1 is now officially live. We have spent the last month or so making sure that most of the issues that you have reported have been addressed carefully. This Service Pack is by far the largest we have delivered in terms of issues fixed and I would like to thank you for the great feedback that you have provided during the past...
    August 28, 2008
  • People

    Telerik sponsors the Silverlight Control Builder Contest 2008

    Silverlight platform is getting more mature, the adoption rate is constantly raising and at the same time Page Brooks and Dave Campbell, together with some of the Silverlight community leaders and Microsoft MVPs have started a control builder contest. Check out the contest website to see the rules, prizes and how to register - As we are deeply involved with the Silverlight platform and community, we decided to make our contribution to the contest by giving our most valued license control bundle to all the winners!!! The bundle includes "ASP.NET AJAX + WinForms + Telerik Reporting" controls. The license will also automatically give you the Silverlight controls once they are officially released (which will happen till the end of this summer). The first place winner will also...
  • People

    Another year, another 10 awards from asp.netPRO Magazine

    Just found out (from Telerik's homepage:) that we have done pretty well in this year's asp.netPRO Reader's Choice Awards - 10 awards overall, one in each category in which we participated. Even though there's nothing more gratifying than a demanding, happy customer, the fact that we've collected 2 dozen asp.netPRO awards in the last 3 years is a reason to open up a bottle of champagne. I would like to thank all of you who voted for us! Thank you so much! We appreciate every single effort you guys make - from voting in the annual magazine awards, to submitting a bug or...
  • People

    Stephen Forte joins Telerik

    It’s a great pleasure to announce that Stephen Forte will be joining Telerik as Chief Strategy Officer. A bit of background for the people who don’t know who Stephen is: he is a long-time Microsoft MVP (13 years!), dasBlog founding contributor, Microsoft Regional Director for NYC, former CTO of Zagat, one of the greatest speakers in the world, and above all, a remarkable person for whom I’ve always had great respect. In his new role Stephen will be helping Telerik to choose the right path and ensure that you, our customers, are always in the center of our product...
    April 16, 2008