Telerik blogs
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    Fairfield / Westchester Code Camp 2009

    So this is not my normal type of post, but I wanted to take a moment to thank the folks over at the Fairfield / Westchester Code Camp for a great time this past Saturday.  They had 24 sessions going over 4 tracks to cover the day, with a lot of great content on everything from my personal favorite, Silverlight, to Azure, F#, Poweshell, and a ton more.  Looking forward to all of the presentations being posted online so I could see some of what I missed.     Telerik was one of the sponsors for this awesome code camp, but aside from...
    November 11, 2009
  • People

    Come see us at TechEd 2009

    If you are attending TechEd, be sure to say “hi” to the members of the team who will be there. Todd Anglin, our head of Developer Evangelism, will be running Birds of Feather sessions on building great web applications: Stephen Forte, our Chief Strategy Officer, will try to break his personal record of 10 TechEd sessions by doing 11 (you read it right - eleven!) talks this time. Here's his schedule:,guid,d1e24c20-eff1-48e4-a0e8-7dbad80994f8.aspx If you try to locate the Telerik booth, you'll notice that there isn't one this year. Unlike many others, we choose not to send marketing and sales people to trade shows....
  • People

    Make plans to attend CodeStock

    This June, I will be at the CodeStock conference in Knoxville, TN.  If you live in the area, then CodeStock offers you a great opportunity to learn about a variety of technologies.  I am honored to have been invited to sit on a panel discussion about running community conferences and user groups.  The conference will take place June 26-27 and only costs $25 if you get your tickets before June 1.  CodeStock is doing something very unique this year in allowing anyone who registers before May 15 to vote on the sessions they most want to see.  So you can actually...
    April 23, 2009
  • People

    Join me at the Toronto Code Camp

    I wanted to mention that I am going to be at the Toronto Code Camp on April 25 in Toronto, Ontario.  I will be presenting a session called “Building Business Applications with WPF, Silverlight and the Telerik RadControls”.  The session should give you a good understanding of what Telerik has to offer for the WPF and and Silverlight platforms.  If you are in the area I hope you will consider spending that Saturday learning.  The organizers need to know you are coming, so please take a moment to register on their website  This is the third annual event and...
    April 18, 2009
  • People

    Join Me this Year at DevLink for Some In-depth ASP.NET AJAX

    I’ll be heading to Nashville, TN this August for DevLink 2009. And as if attending this great conference isn’t enough, they’re giving me a 3-hour time slot and room with a projector and everything. I guess that means I need to find something educational to impart to the those of you who will be in attendance. Good thing I’ve got the perfect session already planned out: ASP.NET AJAX Client Side Framework Deep Drive ASP.NET developers interested in creating rich, client-side web applications must develop a deep understanding of the ASP.NET AJAX client library. Join me as I show you how to...
    April 01, 2009