Telerik blogs
  • People

    User Group Support for May 22-25–Even through a Tornado

    It’s been another busy week supporting the community!  On Tuesday, I gave two presentations.  One over lunch for the Cincinnati Financial Corporation Internal .NET Users Group on “Implementing MVVM for Windows Presentation Foundation” and in the evening spoke for my home user group, the Cincinnati .NET Users Group (CINNUG) on “Test Driving ASP.NET”.  On Wednesday, I drove up to the Dayton .NET Developers’ Group to give my “Deliver Cleaner Code with LINQ to Objects” talk, and had to take a 30 minute intermission due to a tornado warning!  Not to be stopped, we actually had a great open spaces style discussion while...
  • People

    Another Successful Richmond Code Camp

    The organizers of the Richmond Code Camp rang in another successful event.  Telerik was a sponsor of the event, and the .NET Ninja shirts and Ninja heads were flying all around!  I was also a speaker at the event, delivering two successful talks that both received great feedback. The two talks that gave were “Lessons Learned: Being Agile in a Waterfall Sandbox” and “Delivering Cleaner Code with LINQ to Objects”.  Both sessions had great interaction from the audience, and quite a few hallway conversations to boot.  if you are interested in the content, you can download the slides and the code samples...
  • People

    Telerik Supports SharePoint Saturday in Australia

    This weekend, Telerik sponsored the SharePoint Saturday event in Brisbane, Australia (#SPSBNE). The terrible day of Rapture (Thousands said goodbye to family and friends ahead of 6pm Saturday deadline) was on this day and it was all over the news. So I was a bit worried if I should spend the last day of the world here, but Mike Rhodes had said we had lots of great speakers and I was looking forward to meeting them.  Figure: I could not resist the temptation to see those speakers The day started out with a bang and it went from strength to strength. I found it was...
  • People

    Tech-Ed Is A Wrap, and it was Awesome

    TechEd 2011 was another great event.  We had a lot of traffic at the Telerik booth, giving away a huge amount of T-Shirts and Ninja head stress balls, showed a ton of demos of our software, and had great conversations with not only customers but people discerning what to buy. I was also busy working the “Ask the Architect” booth in the Microsoft Technical Learning Center, and I gave two Birds of a Feather sessions, and both were a great success. Agile Development: Can it Work For Everyone This session I gave in conjunction with Mario Cardinal, another thought leader in the agile space. ...
  • People

    Telerik @ TechEd 2011 - Day 2 - Four Award Nominations

    New faces, new conversations, new friends! After having had over 700 attendees visiting us on Day 1, we are happy to see equally great interest in all our products in Day 2, plus the excitement around our newest JustDecompile and JustTrace products. 4 Awards, vote by 11:00 am on Wednesday If you are in Atlanta, show us your love! Four (4) Telerik products are nominated in different categories for the 2011 TechEd Attendees' Pick Awards, and every vote counts. Casting your vote is easy: Log in your TechEd account Go to the Telerik profile in the Exhibitor Catalog and cast your vote. Alternatively, you can stop by...