Telerik blogs
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    Join Telerik at PDC

    PDC is just a few days away and Telerik is excited to be setting up shop at the conference. Whether you use our tools or are just interested in what we're up to these days, we'd love for you to stop by and say hello. This is a rare opportunity not only to interact with the evangelists but also to speak with the developers themselves; we'll have members from each product team visiting from the mother ship in Bulgaria. And as a special bonus, we'll also have a member of the development team for Telerik OpenAccess ORM present and ready to answer...
    October 23, 2008
  • People

    HDC Follow-Up

    I just arrived back home from the Heartland Developer's Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Besides a stomach bug I caught on day two and the near-death experience on the flight home, I had a great time. HDC was packed with 30 sessions over two days and was attended by more than 200 developers, most of whom were locals. There were a lot of great talks and it was fun to rub shoulders with the .NET developers of the Twin Cities. I also really enjoyed meeting some great Telerik customers and hearing all the things you are doing with our controls. All-in-all, I'd...
    October 02, 2008
  • People

    Join me at the Heartland Developer's Conference on Monday & Tuesday

    This Monday and Tuesday I'll be in Minneapolis at the Heartland Developer's Conference. There are 30 sessions planned over two days, and it is sure to be a huge success. If you haven't already signed up, you may be out of luck as it is a sold out show. For those of you coming, I invite you to visit one of my two talks. On Monday I'll be giving an introductory talk to Silverlight 2.0, where you'll hear about all the things you can expect from this new release. With Microsoft announcing a release candidate yesterday, you can bet the official release...
    September 26, 2008
  • People

    Join me this Weekend at the New England Code Camp

    That's right, I'm headed to Boston tomorrow for the 10th New England Code Camp. This will be a weekend of first for me. Not only is it my first time in Boston, but also my first talk as a Telerik evangelist. I'm pretty excited! So if you're in the area, drop on by and say hello. It's going to be a blast! There are plenty or great talks scheduled and still a few seats open for those of you who haven't signed up yet. Don't forget to check out my Silverlight talk on Sunday. I'm going to cover all the basics...
    September 19, 2008
  • People

    Telerik Silverlight controls shown in the MIX 08 keynote

    I showed you some Telerik Silverlight goodness in my last post but here's some more: check out the iZoofari video case study that was shown at the MIX 08 keynote. It's a great demonstration of how Microsoft's latest technologies can help IT people and developers roll out amazing applications and enjoy tremendous productivity. The really special thing about the San Diego Zoo project though is that the Silverlight UI is built with a number of Telerik controls! If you go to 3:31 of the video (highly recommended to watch the whole video), you'll see the...
    March 17, 2008