Telerik blogs

PDC PDC is just a few days away and Telerik is excited to be setting up shop at the conference. Whether you use our tools or are just interested in what we're up to these days, we'd love for you to stop by and say hello. This is a rare opportunity not only to interact with the evangelists but also to speak with the developers themselves; we'll have members from each product team visiting from the mother ship in Bulgaria. And as a special bonus, we'll also have a member of the development team for Telerik OpenAccess ORM present and ready to answer your questions about the latest tool in Telerik's arsenal. We'll have plenty of t-shirts and other fun goodies to give out, so be sure to drop in. We'll be the guys hanging around the big, shiny, green-and-black booth.

If you can't come up with a good reason to drop in and chat with us, here are just a few of the things we've been up to lately that we'd love to talk to you about:

  • Telerik OpenAccess ORM - If you haven't heard by now, Telerik recently announced the acquisition of Vanatec, bringing OpenAccess ORM into the Telerik fold. Jan Blessenohl will be hanging out at the booth to talk to folks about how easy it is to use Telerik's new ORM tool to easily and quickly build your data access layer.
  • RadControls for Silverlight 2 - Microsoft finally released version 2 of their browser plug-in last week and we released a compatible version of our RadControls for Silverlight 2 the very same day. We'll have a member of the Telerik Silverlight team at the booth to show you all the cool new features we've added to our Silverlight suite, such as our Page Navigation and Drag and Drop Frameworks. Come see how Telerik is leading the way in innovation for this exciting new web platform.
  • Sitefinity 3.5 - That's right, the new version of Sitefinity was released two weeks ago and our Sitefinity evangelist, Gabe Sumner, will be on hand to answer all your questions and show you what is so great about this new version of our award-winning CMS.
  • Q3 2008 Release of our RadControls suites - With November right around the corner, we're getting ready for the next release of our RadControls. We are very excited about what's in store for this release and want to share all the juicy details with you. Developers and evangelists from each product line will be on hand to answer all your questions.

PDC is going to be a really fun week in LA. We look forward to seeing you there!


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