Telerik blogs
  • People

    Meet Kendo UI Folks at an Event Near You

    Building a great product means listening to your customers. The feedback you get can have a tremendous impact on your success. That's why those of us on the Kendo UI team are committed to connecting with developers like you. We love getting your feedback. We spend...
    March 28, 2012
  • People

    Kendo UI At SxSW Interactive 2012

    It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks around here as we get ready for the Q1 Launch of Kendo UI, but that hasn’t stopped us from venturing out into the community to spread the HTML5 and Kendo UI Love. Last week, Brandon and Burke made the...
    March 19, 2012
  • Desktop

    When Should You Use Metro, Version 2

    A blog by Todd Anglin, Chief Evangelist at Telerik. (Original post here) During my busy week at the Microsoft BUILD conference, I cranked-out a quick and rough decision tree designed to help you decide which Microsoft platform you should use for app development:Silverlight/WPF, HTML5, or the new Metro/WinRT. The chart proved to be very popular, so I thought I'd revisit the decision tree and with the benefit of more time to reflect, produce a new, more complete version. Thus, I present version 2 of the "How to Pick Your Platform" chart. What's Different? In the original chart, the first question I made you answer was, "Do you need to support...
    September 21, 2011
  • People

    There is a need for only five Metro style apps in the world.

    A blog by Doug Seven, Executive Vice President at Telerik. (Original post here) Over the past week I have spent some time playing with Windows 8 and the Samsung Windows 8 Developer Preview Device (SW8DPD). If you’ve spent any time lurking around the Start page or trying out the Metro apps you’ve likely come to the same conclusion I have. There are only five (5) Metro style application types. All of the Metro style app samples in the Windows 8 Developer Preview fit pretty nicely into one of these five categories, which leads me to assert that these are the five intended...
    September 21, 2011
  • People

    New City, Same Great Conference! Devlink Excels Again

    After many years in Nashville, TN, the Devlink conference moved to Chattanooga, TN. John Kellar, the founder and lead organizer, moved to Chattanooga, and as someone who runs conferences in different cities, I can appreciate John wanting to have DevLink follow him. In the days leading up to the event, it was interesting to hear some folks say they weren’t going to go “because it’s not in Nashville”.  Well, I can say first hand, they screwed up!  John and crew once again put on an awesome show!  Over 120 sessions, and open spaces track, and plenty of off-hours activities made this one...
    September 14, 2011