Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    RadControls for WinForms Q3 2009 - RadScheduler Resource Grouping

    Q3 marks the release of some fantastic new features in the RadControls for WinForms. I know many of you have been waiting for one feature in particular... resource grouping. Well, I'm happy to say, the wait is over, resource grouping is here! Today, I am going to take some time out to explain to you how it works.   Adding Resources Programmatically Creating and adding resources to the RadScheduler is quite simple. In fact, assigning resources to appointments is by no means a new feature of the RadScheduler. The following code creates and adds a resource to the RadScheduler: Resource ...
    November 05, 2009
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q3 2009 - RadDock Tab Alignment and DragDrop Automation

    For the Q3 2009 release, we have added a few important new features to the RadDock. The first of these features is the ability to set the tab strip alignment and/or visibility on DocumentTabStrip and ToolTabStrip instances. The second feature we have added is the ability to implement your own manual drag and drop behavior. Tab Alignment and Visibility When working with ToolTabStrips and DocumentTabStrips in the Q3 release, you will notice that we have added two new properties. The first of these properties, TabStripAlignment, allows you to set the alignment of tabs within their parent TabStrip. The second of these properties, TabStripVisible, ...
    November 04, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    RadControls for WinForms Q3 2009 - HTML-like Text Formatting

    The RadMarkupEditor The RadMarkupEditor is a new WYSIWYG editor that has been added to the underlying framework of the RadControls to simplify the task of editing text in HTML-like markup. This editor is available for all Telerik WinForms controls that support HTML-like text formatting. Accessing the RadMarkupEditor is as simple as locating the text property of a particular RadControl in it's properties window. If the RadControl supports Html-like markup, the text property will contain a dropdown button. Clicking on the dropdown button will display a dropdown with a "Start MarkupEditor" button on it. Clicking this button will display the RadMarkupEditor....
    November 04, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    Testing.StackExchange – The “StackOverflow” for Software Testers

    No doubt became a great resource for software developers. As a tester though, I’ve been looking for a good Q&A tester oriented alternative for a long time now. That’s why I really enjoyed the news about Testing.StackExchange site availability. It actually shares the same successful technology as Stack Overflow and has the potential to become as helpful as its brother is. Although it’s still new, I’ve already found some great experts in the software testing field not only signed-in but actively contributing. Credits go to Mr. Justin Hunter who announced the site several weeks ago. Thanks also to Alan ...
    November 01, 2009
  • Web

    Continuous Integration with WebAii for Silverlight, NUnit and CruiseControl.NET

    Who says automated functional tests cannot be a part of a Continuous Integration system? Or do you miss the proper tools? A Telerik customer, Sebastian Klapp, submitted a Code Library project about a sample CI system that runs WebAii Testing Framework Silverlight tests. Mr. Klapp shares their integration of WebAii tests, NUnit framework and CruiseControl.NET in this project. The result is a powerful CI system that assures their Silverlight application (based on RadControls for Silverlight) functions correctly on every developer source control check-in! Check it out! The submission can surely help as a tutorial for building a system that ...
    October 21, 2009