Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    Multi-Item Drag and Drop with the RadListBox for WinForms

    Earlier this week, I ran across a forum post asking about how one would go about creating multiple RadListBoxes that supported multi-item drag and drop. This sounded like a fun challenge, so I decided to take it on. Referencing an earlier forum post that described single-item drag and drop, I came up with the following solution. Calling DoDragDrop() immediately changes the mouse pointer and readies the RadListBox for the drag-and-drop operation. Originally, I had tried calling this function in the MouseDown event, but this lead to unpredictable clunky behavior due to the fact that DoDragDrop() was getting called before I had the chance to ...
    August 27, 2009
  • Productivity

    The Telerik CAB Enabling Kit and SCSF – Tutorial 3: RadTabWorkspace

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the third tutorial in my series of tutorials about the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit. Over the next two weeks, I will be covering the two workspaces provided with the TCEK. This week, we will learn how to use the RadTabWorkspace. I will be using the completed project from tutorial 2 as the base for this project. If you have not completed the second tutorial, I suggest doing so before completing this tutorial. You can find it here. Otherwise, click here to download the source code that we will be using, fire up visual studio, ...
    August 21, 2009
  • Web

    On Demand Translators for Silverlight: File Your Request Now

    You are probably aware that one of the great new features coming up with the WebUI Test Studio v2.0 is the Silverlight automation support! Yes, that’s correct – you will be able to record all your tests against any Silverlight application as easy as you currently generate the ASP.NET tests. As you might expect we are also working on the RadControls for Silverlight translators. They will let you automate the RadControls for Silverlight components out-of-the-box. I’ve just captured a snapshot of the RadTreeView translator providing some helpful verification tasks. It is taken from the live demo here. While organizing ...
    August 19, 2009
  • Productivity

    The Telerik CAB Enabling Kit and SCSF – Tutorial 2: UIExtensionSites

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the second tutorial in my series of tutorials about the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit (TCEK). This week I will be talking about the UIExtensionSites supported in the TCEK. The TCEK comes with a number of UI Adapters that provide support for the following controls. RadMenu RadToolStrip RadPanelBar RadTreeView These controls are supported through the registration of custom Adapter Factories and Command Adapters. Adapter Factories simplify the task of creating custom UI Adapters for individual controls. Command Adapters allow you to add invokers and/or set command status on specific controls. In the last tutorial, we created ...
    August 13, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    Using the latest Web Testing Tools along with the latest RadControls

    Closely monitoring the customer feedback on our web testing tools, I noticed that various issues have actually been caused by outdated versions of the RadControls used along with the most recent testing tools versions. Please note that we highly recommend using the versions of RadControls and the testing tools from the exact same release. Let me explain why. I completely understand why customers do not always upgrade their applications with the latest RadControls (at least not immediately). “If it works, do not touch it” is a common principle. Of course that’s a matter of choice. However, as a ...
    July 20, 2009