Telerik blogs

You are probably aware that one of the great new features coming up with the WebUI Test Studio v2.0 is the Silverlight automation support! Yes, that’s correct – you will be able to record all your tests against any Silverlight application as easy as you currently generate the ASP.NET tests. As you might expect we are also working on the RadControls for Silverlight translators. They will let you automate the RadControls for Silverlight components out-of-the-box.

I’ve just captured a snapshot of the RadTreeView translator providing some helpful verification tasks. It is taken from the live demo here.


While organizing the translators ToDo list today an idea came to my mind – what about collecting the customer wish list and prioritizing the tasks accordingly?

So feel free to share which controls you need to automate and even what kind of scenario you need to cover. Would you like to group RadGridView or modify the RadDocking layout by simple drag/drop actions in the automation surface and get the test recorded and ready for execution? Do you need to verify RadChart bar or any other series data or check the legend content and the axis values? Do you have our RadScheduler as part of your application under test and what scenario do you think you need to automate? Or is your application built with our navigational controls like RadTreeView, RadMenu, etc?

Please give your feedback here or in the forums under the Silverlight support discussion. We will carefully collect all the data and do our best to implement as many requests as possible even for a public Beta.

Stay tuned for more news about our test automation solutions!



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