Telerik blogs

    Webinar: Client-Side Tips & Tricks for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

    For all of you eagerly awaiting this week's webinar, here you go!   The topic is "Client-Side Tips & Tricks for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX" and it will be held at the usual time for our webinars: Thursday, March 5th, 11AM EST Register Now! The webinar is hosted on GoToWebinar and is absolutely FREE. Here is a quick abstract on what will be covered: Join Telerik Evangelist Kevin Babcock as he takes you on a tour of the client-side capabilities of the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. You'll discover how to achieve enormous performance gains by using the ...
    March 03, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    WebUI Test Studio Support of Composite Controls: RadFileExplorer

    The unique translator model of the WebUI Test Studio ensures the complex applications and the composite controls are supported out-of-the-box. For example, you don’t need to do anything to test your application where the RadFileExplorer is integrated. This component comes with the Q1 2009 release and consists of several other controls already covered by the RadControls Translators. Loading a RadFileExplorer demo in the Automation Surface, you’ll get them recognized right away. Some screen captures follow. The Grid’s on the right:
    February 27, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    WebUI Test Studio Beta Update

    We are pleased to announce the new Beta update of WebUI Test Studio! It is a huge step towards the first official release coming with Q1 2009. The Highlights: 1. All reported issues were addressed! I am very pleased to say that! This includes the few problems related to the installer, a couple of fixes about the IDE components in the Design Canvas as well as various issues regarding the RadControls translators. 2. Full compatibility with the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2009 Beta. The Beta of the RadControls is available since the end of the last week. ...
    February 25, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    WebUI Test Studio: Introducing the RadControls Translators

    The Automation Design Canvas is a great test automation solution. You’ll get convinced after watching the videos on Telerik TV or downloading the WebUI Test Studio and start recording your first tests. And still there’s something great to be found about this tool – its excellent extensibility model.   Building the translators During the last couple of months our team had the pleasure to work on extending the tool for the purpose of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX application test automation. We aim to provide the extensions that will enable our customers to create the necessary regression tests as easy as ...
    February 18, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    Announcing WebUI Test Studio: Test Automation Has Never Been So Easy

    I’m excited to announce publicly that from Q1 2009 the Telerik portfolio will be extended with the WebUI Test Studio product. Powered by ArtOfTest, the new test automation solution reduces to minimum the efforts needed to test your Web Applications regardless complexity and structure. In order to make the life of developers and QAs working with RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX even easier, the tool also extends the Automation Design Canvas codeless recording solution to operate over the RadControls Web Apps. Read more on the product home page.   Why is it so easy? The environment is well-known – ...
    February 16, 2009