Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Telerik Visual Studio Extensions Survey

      It has been several months since we have started actively using the Visual Studio Extensions to make the life of Telerik customers easier. We have been regularly introducing enhancements in the extensions and we’d love to hear your feedback on how helpful these are. Please take this survey to help us drive our efforts in the right direction. (500 Telerik points will be added to your account!) For those of you who have been using RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and have not tried the features of the VS extensions package please do so now: Read More or Watch a ...
    September 22, 2009
  • People

    Quick Reference Guide for Telerik Support

    In my time here at Telerik, I’ve discovered supporting our customers is something that we take great pride in. This has lead us to create a vast number of support options, some of which are easily noticeable and accessible and some which are less obvious. That is why, this week, I would like to take a time out from writing code to provide you with some information about our various support options. Product Support Pages ( General support is quickly accessible through the Telerik website by clicking on the support tab. Here you will be able to easily ...
    September 15, 2009
  • Productivity

    The Telerik CAB Enabling Kit and SCSF – Tutorial 1: Creating the Initial Project

    The Microsoft Composite UI Application Block (CAB) is a framework used for creating Model-View-Presenter style windows forms applications. The Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF) streamlines the process of creating these applications by providing us with a powerful base project and a set of menu options for quickly generating modules, views, and events in Visual Studio. Unfortunately, CAB only provides direct support for the common windows components included with Visual Studio. It is possible to develop your own support for third party components, but this can be a confusing and time consuming process. Lucky for us, Telerik noticed that there was ...
    September 10, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    The Telerik CAB Enabling Kit and SCSF – Tutorial 4: RadDockableWorkspace

    NOTE: This blog entry is specific to the old DockingManager control. If you are interested in using the latest version of the TCEK w/the RadDock, I've posted an updated blog entry here. Welcome to the fourth tutorial in my series of tutorials about the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit. This week, we will learn how to use the RadDockableWorkspace. I will be using the completed project from tutorial 2 as a base for this project. If you have not completed the second tutorial, I suggest doing so before completing this tutorial. You can find it here. Otherwise, click here to ...
    September 04, 2009
  • Productivity Testing

    WebAii Testing Framework: From HTML to XAML and Back -- RadHtmlPlaceholder

      Along with the Service Pack of RadControls for Silverlight Q2 we released an update of the free test automation solution, the WebAii Testing Framework. There are additions, fixes and improvements in all the components including the core WebAii, WebAii RadControls for Silverlight and ASP.NET AJAX. With this post I’d like to bring your attention to the latest addition to our Silverlight controls wrappers – the RadHtmlPlaceholder one. As you probably know, the control itself is a pretty useful component part of the RadControls for Silverlight suite.
    August 27, 2009