Telerik blogs

Who says automated functional tests cannot be a part of a Continuous Integration system? Or do you miss the proper tools?

A Telerik customer, Sebastian Klapp, submitted a Code Library project about a sample CI system that runs WebAii Testing Framework Silverlight tests. Mr. Klapp shares their integration of WebAii tests, NUnit framework and CruiseControl.NET in this project. The result is a powerful CI system that assures their Silverlight application (based on RadControls for Silverlight) functions correctly on every developer source control check-in!

Check it out!

The submission can surely help as a tutorial for building a system that could otherwise require a couple of days to research and setup.

I’m also posting some related resources that could help in a similar setup. Enjoy!

Overview: WebAii and Design Canvas in Continuous Integration

Integration with Team Foundation Server Builds

Integration with CruiseControl.NET

Integration with TeamCity

Running WebUI Test Studio tests with MSTest and MSBuild



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