Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    Top Five Pain Points Getting Started With Test Studio

    We recently asked current users of Test Studio what their top five challenges getting started with Test Studio software testing tools were. I think that list is an awesome starting point for a series targeted to help people get past these same problems! Here are the top five items called out by our customers: Time Constraints Timing Issues (Asynchronous events such as AJAX, JQuery) Find Expressions TFS Integration Build Process / Continuous Integration If you’ve worked in other automation domains (unit or integration testing, UI testing with tools other than Test Studio), then you’ll notice these same problems spanning all ...
    February 27, 2013
  • Release

    Service Pack Two is Live!

    We’re happy to announce Service Pack 2 for Test Studio 2012 R2. This service pack is 100% bug fixes; no new features were incorporated in this release. Much of the focus for this service pack has been around load and performance. We’ve cleaned up issues with cookies, data binding, redirects, and a number of other related fixes. We’ve also addressed problems with recording in Silverlight/WPF applications, and improved handling in IE10. You’ll also be happy to hear we’ve continued extending integration around Telerik’s Rad controls. You can read the complete release notes for more information. About the author Jim Holmes Jim ...
    February 20, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Migrating Your Test Project Between VS/Standalone

    Lately some of Test Studio's users have been trying to use both the Visual Studio plugin and the Standalone edition in unison. To put it a different way - some of our users want to be able to migrate their test project from VS to Standalone and vice versa freely. This is completely doable but our users need to be aware of some limitations. Here's some more info: Limitations on migration between Express and Standalone A Test Project in Visual Studio has a specific format that is native to Visual Studio. It can hold a Test Studio test (tstest extension) ...
    February 19, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    How Scorpion Software Saved $100k a Year with Telerik Test Studio?

    Scorpion Software is a Canadian based software security specialist that helps SMBs reduce their business liability, gain staff accountability and increase productivity with software that monitors and strengthens access to information on premise and in the Cloud. System quality is especially important for a vendor of security software. With three product lines and multiple platforms to support, the QA requirement was becoming increasingly hard for Scorpion Software’s existing testing system to meet. Scorpion Software made Telerik Test Studio the heart of their automated test management platform, leveraging Test Studio’s extensibility to create a custom solution meeting their unique needs. As a result, ...
    February 11, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Five in Five: Some of My Favorite Things about Test Studio

    [Updated: Fixed a pasting error] Earlier today I posted up a video on Telerik TV: Five in Five. It’s five things I love about Test Studio in five minutes. (Well, the video is 5:54 long, so it’s not quite six minutes which means it’s still five minutes. Mostly.) My five favorite things about Test Studio are: The Element Repository. Centralized, managed handling of element locators? Sign me up. This is perhaps my most favorite part of Test Studio. Flexible find logic. Yes, you can write various Xpath selectors in WebDriver, Watir, or other tools, but Test Studio’s chained find ...
    February 08, 2013