Telerik blogs


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  • Desktop WinForms

    Computing Values in the RadGridView for WinForms

    When working with data there are a number of occasions where you may want to calculate a value for display within a grid.  Did you know you can do this within the RadGridView itself?  It is really quite simple.  To compute a column within the RadGridView you need to set the Expression property of the destination column.  This may be a new column that you are adding to the grid to store the value or you can override the value of an existing column by setting the Expression property.  Below is an example of the syntax to calculate an average across all...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Saving/Loading RadGridView settings at design time (WinForms controls)

    I would like to share with you a new feature that we plan to release in Q2 2009:       Well, it is not just the dialog :) In Q2 2009 you will be able to save and load RadGridView’s settings at design time, and there will be a fine-grained control over which settings you want to include/exclude from the generated xml file! Thus if you are using multiple grids, you will be able to use the same settings over and over again. Pretty neat and time saving, isn’t it? The new functionality will be available in the lower left corner of...
  • Desktop WinForms

    RadSchedulerNavigator for RadScheduler

    The Q1 2009 release of the RadControls for WinForms suite introduced pretty neat features in the RadScheduler control which were thoroughly described in this blog-post that came out a couple of days after we uploaded the new version. However, while designing the examples for the RadScheduler control (which you can find in our Demos Application) an idea for a brand new control came out - the RadSchedulerNavigator :     Designed as a separate component, the RadSchedulerNavigator can be easily bound to a RadScheduler instance both in the Visual Studio Designer and in runtime. The control serves as a convenient UI for navigating between...
    April 27, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    Choosing between RadControls for WinForms and the standard Windows Forms controls

    Ever wondered how RadControls for WinForms differ from the standard Windows forms controls? Or needed a particular feature that is supported in the standard controls, but were unsure whether Telerik has it? Regardless of whether you are just starting with RadControls for WinForms, or have a large project in the works, we have a reference white paper for you to look into. We spent some time on creating a detailed comparison between the RadControls features and the capabilities of the standard Windows Forms tools, available in the Visual Studio toolbox, so that you do not have to! This means that choosing between...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Performance Monitor using RadChart for WinForms

    I have had a few people ask me about using the RadChart in the same manner as Performance Monitor (aka PerfMon). If you are not familiar with PerfMon, it is a tool that has been provided with Microsoft Windows for quite some time. You can open PerfMon by clicking the Start button within Windows, typing “perfmon” in the search box and pressing Enter.  PerfMon is a simple utility that displays performance counters. There are a wide variety of counters available, from CPU utilization of process threads to how many times the .NET Garbage Collector has run. The counters PerfMon allows...
    April 15, 2009