Telerik blogs


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  • Desktop WinForms

    WinForms RadGridView vNext will feature new hierarchy modes and performance improvements!

    During the past year, we received many suggestions for new features and bug fixes for RadGridView for WinForms. After analyzing them we realized that we should do a major refactoring of both the data layer and the UI of our grid control. Then we set an ambitious goal -- to refactor the control and implement the most wanted features. This is obviously a massive task and the new grid control will not be part of Q1, but it is coming up afterwards as beta, and will be officially available for Q2 2010. This will give us enough time to test all...
    February 26, 2010
  • Desktop WinForms

    New Timeline View in RadScheduler for WinForms

    As Q1 2010 is approaching, we thought it would be a good idea to tell you a few words about the new features in RadScheduler for WinForms. RadScheduler for WinForms will include a brand new Timeline View  , designed to display continuous schedule for one or multiple resources. Time-slot duration, time-slot cells count, visible resources count and view’s duration will be fully customizable. For example you can set the time-slot duration to any value from 15 minutes to 1 year and restrict your scheduler view from 01/01/2009 to 01/01/2011.  The screenshot below shows a timeline view grouped by...
    February 25, 2010
  • Desktop WinForms

    Cascading ComboBoxes Selection in RadGridView for Silverlight and WPF

      A common scenario when entering data is a cascade of comboboxes, where the list in the next combo is populated after selecting a value in the previous. A typical example is selecting a country from a combo then selecting from a filtered list of cities in a second combo. We have had tons of questions on how this can be done within a row in RadGridVIew so I decided to make a small demo. I have used a nice List of countries by continent.           There are lots of ways to achieve this with RadGridView. Bellow I have tried to demonstrate...
    January 27, 2010
  • Desktop WinForms

    Sales Dashboard Application for Windows Forms

    Shortly after the Q3 2009 release we developed the Sales Dashboard Application for Windows Forms - a composite business application for visualizing a company’s sales force performance. It is built with the Q3 2009 versions of Telerik’s WinForms components, RadChart for WPF, Telerik OpenAccess ORM, and implements the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit for WinForms, which helps in the development of smart-client line-of-business (LOB) applications. Since the interest in this application is still high, we felt the need to have a dedicated place to discuss this application. In case you have not played with it yet, download the source code, and enjoy!   Also check: Silverlight/WPF Sales...
    January 26, 2010
  • Desktop WinForms

    Formatting Cell Values in the RadGridView for WinForms

    Earlier this week while working on another blog entry, I ran into a unique situation involving the RadGridView. Basically, what I am doing is retrieving user status data from Facebook using the Facebook Developer Toolkit. The data is returned in a list of objects based on the Facebook API schema. These objects are of type user_status and contain the following: uuid - long status_id - long time - long source - string message - string comment_count - int I basically wanted to take this list and bind it to the RadGridView showing only the message and the time for that message. This was pretty ...
    January 14, 2010