Telerik blogs


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  • Desktop WinForms

    RadPageView for WinForms: What Inside?

    The brand new RadPageView control is aiming high to provide a full replacement for the currently existing RadTabStrip and RadPanelBar controls by shipping the same functionality with a simpler approach and improved performance. This new control addresses many issues present in the old components, and is based on a very flexible and extensible platform that is fully compatible with the Telerik Presentation Framework, and allows for implementing different layout scenarios as quick as never before. The architecture of this control is pretty simple. It consists of pages and items where each item is associated with a page and it can be used to display...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Blazing-fast list control. Meet RadListControl for WinForms

    We are happy to announce that for Q2 2010 we will be introducing a few new controls . Two of those are actually implementations of quite old controls. I am talking about RadListControl (the new list box) and RadDropDownList (the new combo box). The main purpose in the lives of those two guys is to replace the current RadListBox and RadComboBox and to address their current shortcomings without breaking any existing applications. The new controls will coexist with the old ones and they will be faster… a lot faster, and more flexible in terms of extending and/or replacing functionality as...
  • Desktop WinForms

    RadPageView – next generation WinForms navigation control

    As the new Q2 2010 release is approaching, we wanted to share some more information about our brand new control RadPageView, meant to supersede existing RadTabStrip and RadPanelBar. “Why yet another tab-strip?” someone would ask. Several are the major reasons that made us create this new control, namely: Extensibility, scalability and ease of use. With the new semantic that lies behind RadPageView, it is very easy to create custom views over a collection of pages. Well thought light element tree, which reduces both memory footprint and User Interaction response time and allows for easy and intuitive styling. Myriad of new features in...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Styling Cells in RadGridView for WinForms

    In RadGridView you have to handle the CellFormatting event when you want to customize the look and feel of grid cells. This is so because RadGridView uses UI virtualization. It creates elements only for cells that are currently visible - when scrolling they are reused. Of course, it will be much easier if we could access the cell directly and set its visual properties without an event. In our next release (Q2 2010) this will be possible. By using the Style property you can set the desired background color or change the font size. Here is a sample: this.radGridView1.Rows[5].Cells["Name"].Style.BackColor = Color.Red; this.radGridView1.Rows[5].Cells["Name"].Style.Font = new Font(SystemFonts.DialogFont, FontStyle.Italic);   All...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Flexible data conversion with RadGridView for WinForms vNEXT

    One of the new features that will come with the next version of RadGridView is the new data conversion layer. In our daily work we have often got into troubles in visualizing and formatting concrete types as other types. Sometimes the data source is not compatible with the bind target. Hence, you need to create a facade that converts the data to desired type. Let’s say that you bind the grid to a source that is incompatible with the columns that you want to show, for example a GridViewCheckBoxColumn for char field instead of GridViewTextBoxColumn. How can you accomplish that? The new version of RadGridView will...