Telerik blogs


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  • Desktop WinForms

    Changing the Backcolor for the RadMenu for WinForms

    Recently a question regarding how to change the BackColor of the RadMenu for WinForms.  I thought it might be easier to outline this process with screenshots so I put together a quick post to answer the question. After creating a new WinForms application project, I added a RadMenu.  The screenshot below shows that the default color of the menu is blue. The quickest way to accomplish this task is to click on the SmartTag in the DesignView.  Then select the Edit UI Element menu option. This will open a new window which is called the Element hierarchy editor. Within the Element hierarchy editor, select the...
    April 03, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    WinForms RadGridView's new clothes

      In our latest release – Q1 2009 – we were focused mostly on addressing known issues and minimizing the memory footprint of RadGridView for WinForms.  However, we managed also to steal some time and redesign all of RadGridView’s themes. Some optimizations in our TPF framework helped us with this task. One of the heaviest operations in GDI+ is clipping. We managed to remove the clipping where it wasn’t really needed. This way we achieved two goals with a single shot: first, we got a performance boost, and second, we achieved better graphics and smoothed edges when using shapes. Our new Desert...
    March 25, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    RadScheduler for WinForms has learned some nice new tricks

    The long awaited Q1 2009 release is finally out and with it comes a greatly improved version of RadScheduler for WinForms. Among the more interesting new features of RadScheduler are: Multi-day view   Notice how there are two date time intervals shown – (13 – 14 March) and (17 – 19 March). Brand new iCalendar import / export functionality which will allow you to make applications with RadScheduler that can exchange appointment data with Outlook. (Dedicated blog post to follow soon.) Now combine that nice iCal import / export functionality with data binding and you have…you guessed it – support for storing recurrence rules for appointments in...
    March 16, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    Using RadGauge for WPF in a WinForms application

    In this post, I want to demonstrate the use of the RadGauge for WPF control inside a Windows Forms Application.  Just because you are not developing WPF applications every day does not mean you cannot benefit from what WPF has to offer.  I thought it would be useful to point out that you can use WPF User Controls inside of Windows Forms applications with minimal effort.  This is made possible through the Systems.Windows.Forms.Integration namespace.  More specifically you will be working with a control call "ElementHost" which allows the WPF control to be used in a Windows Form.    So lets get...
    February 27, 2009
  • Desktop WinForms

    Building WPF-like Interfaces with RadControls for WinForms

    A couple of weeks ago I did a quick review of the white papers we have on RadControls for WinForms and it turned out that they, just like humans, age with time. Although still valid, the white papers were outdated, so we decided to rejuvenate them. The first white paper which we brought up to date is “Building WPF-like Interfaces with RadControls for WinForms." In addition to bringing WPF to the equation (it used to compare our WinForms suite to Windows Vista, which was hype back when the original white paper was published two years ago), it received a new...
    February 20, 2009