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Included Assemblies

This article explains what assemblies are included in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX installation including the main Telerik.Web.UI assemblies, the Telerik ZIP library, and the Telerik Document processing libraries (text processing and spreadsheet processing).

General Organization

The assemblies come sorted in several folders so that you can use the ones you need. Depending on the .NET framework version your project targets, you will find the assemblies in the following corresponding directories:

  • If you target .NET 3.5, use the assemblies from the Bin35 folder (distributed until R1 2023 SP1).
  • If you target .NET 4.0, use the assemblies from the Bin40 folder (distributed until R1 2023 SP1).
  • If you target .NET 4.5, .NET 4.6, or .NET 4.6.1 use the assemblies from the Bin45 folder (distributed until 2024 Q1).
  • If you target .NET 4.6.2, .NET 4.7, .NET 4.7.1, .NET 4.7.2, .NET 4.8, or .NET 4.8.1, use the assemblies from the Bin462 folder. This folder will be available starting with the 2024 Q2 release on May 15, 2024.

The binaries from the Additional Assemblies folder may have different versions from the main assemblies. You have to use the assemblies from the same release as the main assemblies.

Main Assemblies

The main Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX assemblies are located in the root of the installation (automated and in the ZIP archive) and in the internal builds archives.

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX provides the following main assemblies:

Main AssembliesSpecifics
Telerik.Web.UI.dll(Required) The core assembly from the suite where the actual controls are located. It also contains the Default skin.
Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll(Optional) This assembly has all the skins the suite offers except for the Default one. To use the Default skin or custom skins only, you do not need this assembly.
Telerik.Licensing.Runtime.dllRequired by the new licensing mechanism introduced by Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2025 Q1
Telerik.Web.Design.dll(Optional) This assembly contains the Visual Studio Design surface code for the suite. The configuration wizards you can access from the Smart Tags of the controls are also here. The assembly is only needed if you use the controls in the Design mode in VS and is not needed in the deployed application. The automated installation adds this assembly to the GAC for versions prior to R1 2018.
Telerik.Web.Device.Detection.dll(Optional) The Telerik Device Detection framework that can help you determine, with a few lines of code, the screen resolution of the device that requested the page while processing the request on the server. The assembly is used by the Telerik controls to determine the render mode when it is set to Auto. If you use only the Classic, Lightweight, or Mobile render mode, you do not need this assembly.

ZIP Library

The ZIP library is a cross-platform library that lets you load, create, and update ZIP archives on the fly with an easy-to-use API.

You can access its assembly from the AdditionalLibraries folder in the Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX installation (automated and manual) and from the internal builds archive. It supports .NET 4 and .NET 4.5, so depending on the target framework of your project, you need to take the assembly from the Bin40 or the Bin45 or the Bin462 folder respectively.

  • Telerik.Windows.Zip.dll—The assembly of the Telerik ZIP Library.

  • Telerik.Windows.Zip.Extensions.dll—Extends the Telerik.Windows.Zip assembly with additional helper methods (ZIP Extensions).

For more information, refer to the article on getting started with the ZipLibrary.

NuGet Packages

The Telerik NuGet feed allows you to install the UI for ASP.NET AJAX packages and also packages that contain the following libraries:

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX provides the following Telerik NuGet feed packages and the assemblies they contain:

NuGet PackagesIncluded Assemblies, Telerik.Web.Device.Detection.dll, Telerik.Web.UI.dll, Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll

Apart from the packages listed above, Telerik provides a number of additional libraries that are available when you install Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX from an MSI or from a ZIP file. For example, Newtonsoft.Json.dll and Telerik.Web.Spreadsheet.dll. These libraries are available in the AdditionalLibraries folder within the UI for ASP.NET AJAX installation directory.

Spreadsheet Library

The Telerik.Web.Spreadsheet.dll library is an assembly that lets you use the Spreadsheet control in your project. You will also need the Newtsoft.Json.dll assembly.

You can access the needed assemblies from the AdditionalLibraries folder in the Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX installation (automated and manual) and from the internal builds archive. They support .NET 4 and .NET 4.5, so depending on the target framework of your project, you need to take the assemblies from the Bin40 or the Bin45 or the Bin462 folder respectively.

For more information about the usage of the Spreadsheet, refer to its article on getting started.

Document Processing Libraries

The Telerik document processing libraries are a set of assemblies that let you import and export content between different formats.

You can access the needed assemblies from the AdditionalLibraries folder in the Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX installation (automated and manual) and from the internal builds archive. They support .NET 4 and .NET 4.5, so depending on the target framework of your project, you need to take the assemblies from the Bin40 or the Bin45 or the Bin462 folder respectively.

The version of the Telerik Document Processing assemblies differs from the Main Assemblies one since they are built a few weeks earlier. To ensure compatibility of the assemblies, you have to obtain the assemblies from the same release/installation.

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX provides the following document processing assemblies:

Document Processing AssembliesSpecifics
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.dllThe main assembly from the Telerik document processing libraries. You always need it when you intend to use the library.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.dllPart of the words (text) processing library. It is needed for processing HTML, DOCX, RTF, and TXT documents.
Telerik.Windows.Zip.dllNeeded for working with zipped formats (DOCX, XLSX) and PDF.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf.dllAllows you to export flow documents (DOCX, RTF) to PDF.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Doc.dllAllows you to import .DOC and .DOT documents.
Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming.dllThe main assembly for generating huge spreadsheet files using minimum resources.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.dllThe main assembly for the spreadsheet processing. It is needed for processing XLSX, CSV, TXT documents.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.dllAllows you to import or export the spreadsheet document model from or to XLSX.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.dllNeeded for processing PDF documents.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.CMapUtils.dll(Optional) Provides a default implementation for getting the data of a predefined CMap table by a given name. Include a reference to it only if you need to process documents with CMap tables.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.Pdf.dllAllows you to export spreadsheets (XLSX, CSV) to PDF.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.Xls.dll.nupkgAllows you to work with XLS spreadsheet documents.

For more information on working with the Telerik document processing libraries, refer to the following articles:


The Newtsoft.Json.dll assembly is located in the AdditionalAssemblies folder and you need to deploy it when you use the CloudUpload control, the Scheduler WebAPI binding, or the SpreadSheet control.

If your project references a different version of this assembly, review the Newtonsoft.Json is Built by a Higher Version Than the Currently Targeted Framework section.

See Also