Telerik blogs

Kendo UI

4 Ways To Make HTML Forms Enjoyable

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Forms Duplication in Sitefinity CMS
In this blog post a sample query for duplicating forms built with sitefintiy forms module is provided to allow users to duplicate forms.

Right-to-left Writing Format for Sitefinity's Backend
This blog post explains the steps needed to customize sitefinity backend to support write to left display of all backend text.

Product types
Update to the API samples for working with product types in sitefinity

Update to the API samples for working with products with sitefinity API

Product attributes
Update to the API samples for working with products attributes in sitefintiy ecommerce

Product variations
Update to the API samples for working with products variations in sitefintiy ecommerce

Update to the API samples for working with product departments in sitefintiy ecommerce

RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

HTML5 Compliance
Contols' compliance sheet with the newest HTML standard.

Files Uploading in Custom Folder at Runtime
Help article explaining how to upload files in folder which is set dynamically.

Difference from RadWindow
New article which describes the main differences between the two controls.

Designer Overview
New topic explaining the configuration of the control in design-time.

New article about the DataBinding specifics of the lightbox.

New topic which explains creating Templates for the control.

RadControls for Silverlight

Setting a Theme on MS Controls
This article explains how to apply a Theme for the MS controls when using Implicit Styles.
Setting a Theme on a Custom Control
This article explains how to apply a Theme to a control you have additionally extended inheriting any of the RadControls.

Customized Fields
This article explains how to customize the fields to be displayed.

Export FAQ
This article explains some FAQ on exporting.
Last row is not fully visible
This article suggests a solution for the problem when the last row is not fully visible.

The article explains how you can localize RadPdfViewer.
Localization SDK
The example shows how you can localize RadPdfViewer along with its predefined UI.

Working with UI Selection
This article demonstrates how to retrieve and change the current selection.
Format Providers Manager
The article explains the purpose and uses of the WorkbookFormatProvidersManager class.

RadControls for WPF

Setting a Theme on MS Controls
This article explains how to apply a Theme for the MS controls when using Implicit Styles.
Setting a Theme on a Custom Control
This article explains how to apply a Theme to a control you have additionally extended inheriting any of the RadControls.

Customized Fields
This article explains how to customize the fields to be displayed.

Export FAQ
This article explains some FAQ on exporting.
Last row is not fully visible
This article suggests a solution for the problem when the last row is not fully visible.

The article explains how you can localize RadPdfViewer.
Localization SDK
The example shows how you can localize RadPdfViewer along with its predefined UI.

Calculated Fields
This article shows how to use Queryable CalculatedFields.
Calculated Items
This article shows how to use Queryable CalculatedItems.

Working with UI Selection
This article demonstrates how to retrieve and change the current selection.
Format Providers Manager
The article explains the purpose and uses of the WorkbookFormatProvidersManager class.

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