Telerik blogs


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  • Productivity Reporting

    Telerik Reporting - Tips and Tricks

    What better source for tips and tricks for your beloved Reporting product, than a blog spot right from the kitchen where the product is ‘mixed’. As of this post, we would like to start a small series of tips and tricks that make a developers’ life sweeter. We’re not going to discuss general topics, so if you’re looking for answers for one of those questions – please review our documentation and our forums. As you can guess, the sub-report item, which lets you display one report within another report is widely used in Telerik Reporting.  It lets you compose complex reports from...
    October 31, 2008
  • Productivity Reporting

    Custom Toolbar for the Web ReportViewer

    Our insatiable commitment to deliver more than expected in every aspect of our products resulted in me being curious, if we are as flexible as we think and whether one can always achieve his goal be it out of the box or with custom solution using our API and other controls if necessary. Hmmm what could that custom solution be – how about a custom Toolbar for our web ReportViewer. For those of you, who are unfamiliar with our Web ReportViewer , here is a short description – it is designed to render Telerik Reports within ASP.NET projects and it has a toolbar that...
    October 23, 2008
  • Productivity Reporting

    Export and Printing RadGridView using Telerik Reporting

    Hi everyone, by means of introduction my name is Martin Vassilev and I am a support officer with the Windows Forms team here at Telerik. As of late, we noticed increased interest towards RadGridView data export capabilities. What we have always told our customers is that the RadGridView will have only basic Microsoft Excel export capability, until we are able to implement a commercial grade format converter here at Telerik. However, that requires quite some time, and customers can’t wait right? What was needed was a quick, easy, stable way of exporting RadGridView content to formats such as RTF, PDF and...
  • Productivity Reporting

    Using ReportViewer in RadWindow

    Several days ago, a customer of ours had an interesting issue with RadWindow and Telerik Reporting. The idea was to show a ReportViewer in a RadWindow while the RadWindow automatically resizes itself to fit the dimensions of the content page. I thought this would be a nice example to have, therefore I have created a small sample based on this task and filmed it. I hope it will be of help for the community :) Generally speaking, the steps that must be taken in such scenario are: Create a new web site with RadWindow and set up the database (in the...
    November 22, 2007