
Telerik Reporting

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Event Handlers Support in Declarative Reports

Declarative report model now supports attaching compiled code event handlers for the ItemDataBinding, ItemDataBound, and NeedDataSource events. This enables the report authors with developer skills to apply custom logic while the report is being generated. This closes the gap between type/code reports on the one hand and declarative reports on the other.

The design time support of this feature is covered by the following tool improvements:

  • The Standalone Report Designer Properties Grid panel now allows the attachment of an event handler for the respective event by method name.
  • The Standalone Report Designer Open report from .dll (Import) functionality now preserves the available event handler attachments by name.

Event Handlers Support SRD in Telerik Reporting

Compatibility with .NET 9 Preview

To continue to provide industry-leading support for Microsoft’s newest frameworks and following the evolution of .NET, Telerik Reporting now features compatibility with .NET 9 Preview runtime. The report generation engine and all modern report viewer and designer controls and tools are continuously being tested and will be compatible with the official .NET 9 version once released.

Compatibility with .NET 9 Preview

SKIA-based Report Rendering Preview in SRD.NET

Telerik Reporting offers two alternative report rendering engines. The first engine uses GDI+, which is the default one on Windows, and the newer one uses the SKIA graphics library and is the one used on Linux. The desktop Standalone Report Designer for .NET (SRD.NET for short) now supports easily switching the graphics engine that is being used to generate the preview of the designed report. The feature empowers the report authors to effortlessly compare the resulting documents. This not only enhances flexibility and customization but also helps in selecting the most suitable engine for their specific needs, maintaining the highest quality and performance in the final document.

SKIA-rendering in Telerik Reporting

Telerik Reporting

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