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Reporting Forum
3 answers
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Hello Supports,

I want to try and install Nuget packages Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore for my Core project but it isn't found.

when I go to the option "Manage Nuget packages", these are no available the packages to download (see the attached file).
Is it missing from the private nuget feed ?

Thank You.


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Rank 1
 answered on 08 Jun 2024
0 answers

Hello Telerik Reporting Community,

We have released a new version of Telerik Reporting today, 2024 Q1 ( Please update your existing installation at your earliest convenience.

You can review the Legacy Installer Vulnerability - Telerik Reporting article to learn more details about why we are recommending customers to update.

To get the new version, take the following steps:

  1. Go to Downloads | Your Account. 
  2. Select Telerik Reporting.
  3. Download the msi installer file, run it, and follow the steps to completion.


As the KB article explains, the issue pertained only to the old installer component, and not Telerik Reporting contained within the installation package. It does not affect any applications you’re using Telerik Reporting with.

If you have a rare situation where you cannot update the PC installed version, there are various ways to keep a project using an older version of reporting even though the PC has a newer version installed.

  • Copied Assemblies OptionCopy the older version’s DLLs to the project directory, then update the project references to use the copied assemblies (instead of the assemblies in C:/Program files (x86)/Progress/Telerik Reporting [older version]/)

We highly recommend you open a Technical Support Ticket if you have a complex situation and would like to ask questions before updating the PC’s installed version. You can open a Support Ticket here =>

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Rank 2
 asked on 31 Jan 2024
1 answer

This is VERY URGENT: a business database migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL, due to happen this weekend, is dependant on it.  I'll ask the question in 2 parts:

1. We have a SQL Server database called TelerikReportingCache, containing tables tr_AppLock, tr_Object, tr_Set and tr_String, which is used by Telerik Reporting. I have been told that this database cannot exist on a PostgreSQL server. Can you confirm that this is correct, please?

2. We have been told to use a file for the cache instead of a database. However, we have many users, and the file gets locked, causing an error message in reports - see image in attached file. If we cannot use a file as a cache, then what other alternatives do we have?


Error Message Text: Error creating report instance (Report = 'ConnectReports. Finance.CustomerInvoiceSummary, ConnectReports"). An error has occurred. The process cannot access the file '\\\Telerik ReportingCache\ConnectReports\Is\A\value.dat' because it is being used by another process.


Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 updated answer on 22 Jul 2024
2 answers

My titled should be "Can I DECRYPT my connection string" - however, I cannot modify the title above.

In my .Net 8 appsettings.json config, I have these two connection strings:

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "": "Data Source=Eng-Server;Initial Catalog=devsvr;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myID;Password=myPass",
  "Encrypted.Properties.Settings.devEncr": "jjwerjwerjwerjwerjwerjwerjwejwerjwer=="


The first conn string works fine when Telerik Reporting resolves the DataSource connections at runtime, however if I try to use the Encrypted string - it does NOT work.

Can you point me to some documentation on how I can get it to work with encrypted connection strings ?

I know that the Report Config object is exposed at the ReportsController level, for example:

public class ReportsController : ReportsControllerBase

    public ReportsController(IReportServiceConfiguration reportServiceConfiguration, IConfiguration configuration)
        : base(reportServiceConfiguration)



however where would I decrypt my string ?

By the way, I also have a ClassLibrary with some custom code. I use that DLL in the standalone report designer to hook up a DataSourceObject for some custom methods I need to call. Would I possibly hook into the connect string, and decrypt it here ?



Telerik team
 updated answer on 22 Jul 2024
1 answer

I Have a requirement like to open the corresponding HTML5 report viewer dynamically by passing the report source based on the click of a hyperlink.




On clicking the Hyperlink 1, I need to pass the report source dynamically to report viewer and open its corresponding report. Similarly, on clicking link2 and so on.

Kindly suggest me the approach to satisfy this requirement. Thanks in advance.


Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jul 2024
1 answer

When I add this extension to .Net 8, I get this compatibility error, since I'm incorporating it into my application.

This is the error shown in the extension, so I can't use its features;

The message is:
"Package 'Telerik.ReportViewer.Mvc' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8.1' instead of the project target framework 'net8.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project."

See the image below:

Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jul 2024
1 answer

Hi Team ,

I started using Telerik reporting , not sure how to use Cache mechanism , so telerik report should not connect production database every time instead cache data should be render ?

Tried few things like DatabaseCacheConfigurator.exe , but below error occurs .

Also any file cache mechanism available in Telerik Reporting ? , i can see all Cache mechanism are related to database like SQL Server , Postgre SQL , SQLLite etc....please help on this.

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jul 2024
1 answer
Hello team Telerik

I've implemented your web report designer in my angular application and now I want to ask that how can I provide data to It

Basically my main purpose is that I want my user to generate report with the data set I've provided in my application like if there is a return generated in my application and my user want to design report of that return how can I bind my data (in what format) in a way that when he open a web designer he gets that data automatically and then he design and export that report by himself 
Is this functionality is available in your web designer for angular or not? 
1 answer

I have a html5 report viewer that loads a report book, of which is hidden, with a print button shown that issues the print command. Viewer is hidden as I just want a print button and this was the only approach to do that shows the print dialog.

Anyways, that report book contains two reports. First one is a sales report, the other are items part of that sale. It was to simulate a functionality that I ported over from a function in MS Access to as close as possible. The report loaded and printed fine.

However, it needs to be now changed. The reports need to be printed on two different sizes. The sales report is fine the current dimensions. However, the items need to be sent to a printer that prints on 4x6 cards.

The idea I came up with is have two report viewers and load the individual reports and have the printEnd client event of the sales report to trigger the print of the items report. However, that doesn't work as that looks to immediately trigger the print of the items report and skips printing sales.

My question would be is there a way to print the next report after the first report is printed?

Telerik team
 answered on 15 Jul 2024
1 answer


Because of the recent supply chain attack related to, are there any new version of telerik-angular-report-viewer that has removed the reference to the that we can use in out Angular application. 

Please advise. 



Telerik team
 answered on 12 Jul 2024
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