Let’s face it. Developer certifications have a bad reputation in the developer community. Unfortunately, they got devalued over time by pressing “Return on Investment” business priorities–companies kept passing more and more people to meet sales quotas. The bar either kept dropping down or you were given courseware to study with exact questions.
In addition, our industry as a whole stopped certifying knowledge you should have acquired on real life projects. The college model of book study and
I’ll be first to admit that I earned my Microsoft Solution Developer certification some 10 years ago by cramming each exam in two weeks study time. I had passed all requirements, but in real life I had never developed and deployed
How is Kendo UI certification different?
What are the benefits of being Kendo UI Certified?
To learn more about Kendo UI Developer Certification, as well as a plethora of other news we announced at TelerikNEXT about NativeScript, Screen Builder, Kendo UI for Office 365 and so on, please sign up for our TelerikNEXT Online Webinar at www.telerik.com/TelerikNEXTOnline. (May 13, 2015. 11:00 ET)
Sasha Krsmanovic is a VP of Product Marketing at Telerik and is based in Toronto, Canada. A geek at heart, Sasha works with HTML and JavaScript developers worldwide and loves learning from passionate people. You can follow Sasha on Twitter @k_sasha.