Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Implementing WP7 ToDo application part1 - Getting started

    Getting Started This is part 1 of the series on building WP7 ToDo application with Telerik WP7 Control toolkit. Please refer to the "master" blog post for more details and links for the other part of the series. The first step for us when starting to work on the application was to create the wireframes. Our wireframes basically consisted of the app screens and the flow diagrams for all the actions that users can do in the application. Download a PDF file with all wireframes of the application. The benefit for having these wireframes (still no graphic design available) at this early stage helped both developers and designers to get...
    March 30, 2011
  • Mobile

    Implementing WP7 ToDo application from A to Z

    [download the application complete source code from your Telerik account ] Introduction As part of our support service in Telerik we are implementing integration examples for our customers. The aim of these examples is mainly to show how to use the controls in real-life scenarios. In the case of WP7 (Windows Phone 7) it is a little bit different. The platform is still quite new and there is high demand for examples that not only show the usage of the Telerik controls, but the usage of the platform too. Also there is a marketplace where we can show our applications to the end users...
    March 30, 2011
  • Web

    How to Synchronize RadTreeView`s Drag and Drop Operation with the Database

    Part one: Moving a child element from one parent to another 1. Problem     The purpose of this post is to show one possible way to solve the following scenario. Having a Silverlight RadTreeView that loads its items from a database via WCF RIA services, we want to update the database immediately after a drag and drop operation has been performed within the RadTreeView. The drag and drop operation in this post will be moving a child element from one parent to another. Reordering items will be shown in a future post. 2.Design     We will be using the MVVM Design Pattern. Let’s take a close look...
    February 21, 2011
  • Mobile

    Page Transitions for WP7 - Sample application

    Telerik Page Transitions for WP7 sample code With the first CTP of Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 we introduced the page transitions. You can read more info about them in my blog post. Now with the beta1 release we created a sample application which you can use as a reference in order to add the Metro transitions into your application. Check the video screencast of the sample application here. The sample application is based on a design of a ToDo application. We are showing the more complex transitions. We have examples for:  - Tile transition,  - Continuum transition,  - Slide and Swivel transition,  - Turnstile and slide transition.  Apart from...
    February 21, 2011
  • Mobile

    RadJumpList for WP7: Part III - Performance with large data

    Download the sample project In the previous two posts I explained the e basic usage and the support for dynamic sorting/filtering and grouping in RadJumpList. Now it is time(1) to see how the control behaves with large data sets. It is unlikely that in an average Windows Phone 7 application you will need to show more that 1,000-2,000 items, but we decided to test the performance under extreme conditions with a large set of 10,000 items. The setup of the example is pretty simple - we are generating 5k items on the fly and them bind the JumpList control to the data set. In the sample you can...
    February 11, 2011