Telerik blogs
  • Release

    RadMediaPlayer for Silverlight CTP is now live!

    We are very happy to announce the official CTP of “RadControls for Silverlight” suite. Telerik is the first control vendor to give you a real Silverlight 1.0 controls which you can play with and use in your web pages. Those of you who signed up through the CTP registration form have already received the bits. For those of you who missed the registration – it is still open. The controls in the suite target Silverlight version 1.0 Beta. The official version of Silverlight 1.0 is expected this summer. So what do you need in order to use the controls? Nothing special really -...
  • Productivity Debugging

    Fiddler and IE7

    Do you use Fiddler to inspect the HTTP traffic? You may be faced with the following problem: since we started using the beta of the IE7 browser we started experiencing problems when monitoring the requests sent to http://localhost or - the requests were not reported by the Fiddler tool. It took us some time to understand what was the exact reason for this until we found the workaround for this issue here: --- quote --- Why don't I see IE7 or System.NET traffic sent to http://localhost or IE7 and the .NET Framework are hardcoded not to send requests for Localhost through any proxies,...