Telerik Report Server has a new REST API version, which provides many new improvements to your workflow and your code. Read on to see what's new.
The Telerik Report Server REST API version 2 is now available as part of the R3 2018 release. The aim of version 2 is to improve the current models and error handling, add new endpoints, implement best practices, and make the code cleaner and easier to maintain.
With the addition of a brand new execution controller it is now possible to queue a scheduled task or data alert for execution via an API call. With the power of executing all tasks and alerts through the API comes the responsibility of cleaning up. Let’s say the execution history of a task becomes too large and takes up a lot of server storage - you can perform a cleanup of all created documents for this task and free up space with a single API call.
Error handling has been improved dramatically through required fields and error messages, which contain enough information about the problem and how to resolve it. As a result, you will see fewer internal server errors and 500 status codes.
Each POST request which creates a new resource will now a return 201 Created response with the created object and its location in the form of a location header. Each PUT request will also return the created object, which should minimize the need to make additional API calls in order to get the up-to-date state of a resource.
The R3 2018 release came with an option to deliver a batch of reports in a single scheduled task/data alert execution. Besides the new sleek UI for this feature, we also had to introduce an API approach to add or modify a batch of reports which would be delivered to the subscribers upon execution.
When the version is not specified explicitly the API will continue to work with the v1 behavior. This decision was made in order to prevent any breaking changes in existing applications when upgrading to a new version of Report Server. To turn on the new features add v2 to the API base URL:
Together with the recently introduced API versioning, we are officially announcing the release of the Report Server API Client. The client is a .NET library written in C#. It comes in handy when developing .NET applications which would query the Report Server API. To gain access to the client and its methods follow the Report Server API Client.
The fast setup and reduction of redundant code in the application make the client a practical tool in the C# developer arsenal:
var settings =
Settings() { BaseAddress =
(var rsClient =
Some may have noticed that the version number cannot be seen anywhere in the settings, and that is because the client is configured to always use the latest and greatest Report Server API version. Once the client is configured, getting a resource from the report server is as simple as:
var category = rsClient.GetCategory(
A full list of the client methods is available here.
Don't have enough API client examples? We’ve got you covered! The R3 2018 SP1 release comes with new Report Server SDK sample applications. The HTTP client sample app features a common Report Server API scenario of logging into the server, working with resources, and cleaning up.
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Atanas Keranov was a Software Engineer in the Telerik Reporting division.