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Tile Object

Common API for all Tile Types

Main tile properties

AutoPostBackboolGets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user changes the selection state or clicks on the tile. Defaults to false.
BadgeRadBaseTile.BadgeThe Badge object that can be used to configure the tile's badge. More information on its properties and configuration is availabe below and in the Badge and Title elements help article.
DataItemSystem.Data.DataRowViewThe DataItem object related to each tile when in a databound RadTileList. There is data in it only in the OnTileDataBound event of the RadTileList.
EnableSelectionboolWhether the tile can be selected. Will not be used in the context of a RadTileList, in this case the behavior of all tiles is controlled through the SelectionMode property of the RadTileList. Defaults to false.
HeightunitThe height of the tile. It is generally controlled by the Shape property and setting it here can break some of the appearance/functionality ofthe control. Inherited from WebControl.
NamestringGets or sets the Name proerty of a tile. Can be used to uniquely identify a tile in a RadTileList through the RadTileList's GetTileByName(string) method.
OnClientClickedstringGets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when the tile is clicked, after the OnClientClicking event. This event is not cancellable. See the OnClientClicked help article for more information.
OnClientClickingstringGets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when the tile is being clicked, before the OnClientClicked event. This event is cancellable. See the OnClientClicking help article for more information.
OnClientSelectedstringGets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when the tile is selected, before the OnClientSelecting event. This event is not cancellable. See the OnClientSelected help article for more information.
OnClientSelectingstringGets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when the tile is being selected, before the OnClientSelected event. This event is cancellable. See the OnClientSelecting help article for more information.
NavigateUrlstringGets or sets the URL of the page to navigate to, without posting the page back to the server. If AutoPostBack for the RadTileList is true navigation will not occur.
PeekContentContainerTelerik.Web.UI.SingleTemplateContainerGets the control, where the ContentTemplate for the PeekTemplate will be instantiated. You can add controls programmatically here.
PeekTemplateITemplateGets or sets the System.Web.UI.ITemplate that contains the controls which will be placed in the control content area for the PeekTemplate. You can use this to set the PeekTemplate in the markup.
PeekTemplateSettingsTelerik.Web.UI.TilePeekTemplateSettingsDefines the peek template configuration settings. See below for more information.
PostBackUrlstringGets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page when a tile from RadBaseTile is clicked.
SelectedboolGets or sets the selected state of the tile. Defaults to false.
ShapeTelerik.Web.UI.TileShapeGets or sets the shape of the tile. Possible values: Square - 150x150px, Wide - 310x150px.
TargetstringThe target for the navigation. Can be one of the standard targets for an anchor (_blank, _top, _parent, _self, _search) or the name of a frame on the page. Values must begin with a letter in the range of a through z (case-insensitive), except for the special values which begin with an underscore: _blank renders the content in a new window without frames. _parent renders the content in the immediate frameset parent. _search renders the content in the search pane. _self renders the content in the frame with focus. _top renders the content in the full window without frames. Note: check your browser documentation to determine if the _search value is supported. For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and later support the _search target value.The default value is an empty string ("").Navigation is done through JavaScript and browser restrictions may apply for opening new popups (due to popup blockers) and navigating frames in higher in the hierarchy (same-origin policy).
TitleRadBaseTile.TitleThe Title object that can be used to configure the tile's title. More information on its properties and configuration is availabe below and in the Badge and Title elements help article.
WidthunitThe width of the tile. It is generally controlled by the Shape property and setting it here can break some of the appearance/functionality of the control. Inherited from WebControl.

Properties like BackColor, BorderColor, BorderWidth, Font-Size, Font-Bold , etc. are inherited from the WebControl class and can also be used in a RadTile.

PeekTemplateSettings properties

AnimationTelerik.Web.UI.PeekTemplateAnimationGet/Set the animation effect of the PeekTemplate conent element.
AnimationDurationintegerGets/Sets the duration of the animation in milliseconds.
CloseDelayintegerGets or sets when the interval (in milliseconds) after which the peek template will automatically be closed.
EasingstringGets or sets the name of a jQuery extension method, which will be applied as easing on the animation.
HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOutboolGets a value indicating whether the peek template should be hidden on mouse out.
ShowIntervalintegerGets or sets when the interval after which the peek template will automatically show (in milliseconds).
ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOverboolGets a value indicating whether the peek template should be shown on mouse in.

Read more on configuring the animations and PeekTemplates in the Peek Template help article and test them out in the Animations online demo.

Title properties

ImageUrlstringThis property sets/gets the src of a title image, which will be displayed at the bottom left corner of the tile. Has higher priority than text. See the Badge and Title Elements help article for more information.
TextstringThis property sets/gets the title text, which will be displayed at the bottom left corner of the tile. Has lower priority than image title. See the Badge and Title Elements help article for more information.

Badge properties

ImageUrlstringThis property sets/gets the src of a badge image, which will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the tile. Has the lowest priority of the three options. See the Badge and Title Elements help article for more information.
PredefinedTypeTelerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeTypeThis property sets/gets the predefined image, which will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the tile. Available options: None, Activity, Alert, Attention, Available, Away, Busy, Error, NewMessage, Paused, Playing, Unavailable. See the Badge and Title Elements help article for more information.
ValueintegerGets or sets the numerical value of the badge. It has highest priority of the three. See the Badge and Title Elements help article for more information.

RadContentTemplateTile Specific properties

ContentTemplateITemplateGets or sets the System.Web.UI.ITemplate that contains the controls which will be placed in the control content area. You can add content in the markup in this tag and it will be the primary content for the given tile. See the ContentTemplate Tile help article for more information.
ContentContainerTelerik.Web.UI.SingleTemplateContainerGets the control, where the ContentTemplate will be instantiated in. You can add controls programmatically here.

RadIconTile Specific Properties

ImageHeightUnitGets or sets the height of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.
ImageUrlstringGets or sets the url of the image which will be rendered in the tile. See the Icon Tile help article for more information.
ImageWidthUnitGets or sets the width of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.

RadImageAndTextTile Specific Properties

ImageHeightUnitGets or sets the height of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.
ImageUrlstringGets or sets the url of the image which will be rendered in the tile. See the ImageAndText Tile help article for more information.
ImageWidthUnitGets or sets the width of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.
TextstringGets or sets the text which will be rendered in the bottom of the tile.

See the ImageAndText Tile help article for more information.

RadImageTile Specific Properties

ImageHeightUnitGets or sets the height of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.
ImageUrlstringGets or sets the url of the image which will be rendered in the tile. See the Image Tile help article for more information.
ImageWidthUnitGets or sets the width of the image which will be rendered in the tile. By default, the image does not have dimensions set from the control and its own dimensions are applied. This property can be used to set a new size and/or aspect ratio.

RadLiveTile Specific Properties

Attribute Properties of the Main RadLiveTile Tag

ClientTemplatestringGets/sets the HTML template that will be instantiated in the tile after live data request. This property is also exposed in an inner tag so that the string can be written in a more comfortable manner, like any other HTML content in Visual Studio. There is no intellisense, however, because this is still just a string value for a control property. See Example 1.
DataModelIDstringGets/sets the DataModelID of the OData service that is used for fetching data.
ODataDataSourceIDstringGets/sets the ID of the RadODataDataSource control that is used to fetch OData for the tile.
OnClientDataLoadedstringGets/sets the name of the JavaScript function that handles the OnClientDataLoaded event.
OnClientDataLoadingstringGets/sets the name of the JavaScript function that handles the OnClientDataLoading event.
OnClientDataLoadingErrorstringGets/sets the name of the JavaScript function that handles the OnClientDataLoadingError event.
OnClientTemplateDataBoundstringGets/sets the name of the JavaScript function that handles the OnClientTemplateDataBound event.
UpdateIntervalintGets/sets the time (in milliseconds) that passes between the requests for data initiated by the LiveTile.
ValuestringGets or sets a string value which can be send as an argument on data request.

Example 1: Defining a ClientTemplate as an inner tag.

<telerik:RadLiveTile runat="server" ID="liveTile1">
		This here is the template.
		<br />
		It will show the data from the <strong>sampleField</strong> field of the data
		#=dataItem.sampleField #

Attribute Properties of the ClientTemplateAnimationSettings Inner Tag

AnimationTelerik.Web.UI.ClientTemplateAnimationGets/sets the animation effect of the ClientTemplate content element.
AnimationDurationintGets/sets the duration of the animation in milliseconds.
EasingstringGets/sets the easing that will be applied on the animation. The easing effect is described at the end of the Peek Template article.

Attribute Properties of the WebServiceSettings Inner Tag

MethodstringGets/sets the Web service method name to be called.
PathstringGets/sets the URL of the Web service that will be called.
UseHttpGetboolGets/sets whether the GET HTTP verb will be used for the request. Defaults to false (i.e., POST will be used).

More information on populating a LiveTile with data is available in the Populating with data help article.

RadTextTile Specific Properties

TextstringGets or sets the text which will be rendered in the tile. See the Text Tile help article for more information.

See Also