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The OnTileDataBound event is fired for each Tile that is created from a databound RadTileList when it is receiving the necessaryproperties from the datasource.

It is subsequent to the OnTileCreated event.

The OnTileDataBound event can be used to fine tune settings for the tiles that are related to data that comes fromthe datasource, for example changing URLs to images, generating navigation URLs, adding formatting to strings.

The entire DataRowView object from the datasource that is related to the given tile is passed to the DataItem property the tile exposes. The Tile reference is passed in the event arguments object.

The example below shows two different ways of obtaining data from the datasource in order to modify certain tile properties:

<telerik:RadTileList RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" ID="RadTileList1" Width="634px" TileRows="4"
		<CommonTileBinding TileType="RadImageTile" DataTitleTextField="ContactName" DataGroupNameField="ContactTitle" Shape="Square" />

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
	ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT [CustomerID], [ContactName], [ContactTitle], [Phone], [City] FROM [Customers] ORDER BY [ContactTitle] DESC">
protected void RadTileList1_TileDataBound(object sender, TileListEventArgs e)
	//first, check for the tile type if specific properties are going to be used
	var tile = (e.Tile as RadImageTile);
	if (tile != null)
		//The DataBinder.GetPropertyValue() is one way to obtain the data
		//This example points the image to a location that depends on the project structure
		tile.ImageUrl = string.Format("../../Img/Square/{0}.jpg", DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(e.Tile.DataItem, "CustomerID", null));

		//the DataItem field in the Tile object can be cast to a DataRowView in order to access the information
		//This does exaclty the same as the above line
		tile.ImageUrl = string.Format("../../Img/Square/{0}.jpg", (e.Tile.DataItem as System.Data.DataRowView).Row["CustomerID"].ToString());

		//A simple example of modifying an already bound property
		tile.Title.Text = "Contact: " + tile.Title.Text;

		//building a property value dynamically based on data from the datasource
		tile.NavigateUrl = string.Format("mailto:{0}", DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(e.Tile.DataItem, "ContactName", null).Replace(' ', '.'));
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