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Data Items

Rows in RadGrid are presented by the GridItem class and its descendants. There are two types of rows:

  • Static rows

  • Dynamic rows

Static Rows

Static rows are always present in the grid structure regardless of whether they are visible or not. The number of these items is always known. To this group belong Header and Footer rows, CommandItem, Status bar item and Pager row.

Dynamic Rows

Each dynamic row in the grid represents a record from the specified data source. Dynamic rows are represented by the GridDataItem class (a descendent of GridItem).

Each GridTableView has a set of rows (the Items collection) of type GridDataItem. The collection does not provide any methods to add or remove items. However, you can control the content of an item by providing a handler for the ItemCreated event.

  • Only Items bound to the data source (such as normal and alternating rows) are kept in the Items collection. The header, footer, pager, filter and separator are not included in this collection.
  • The ItemsHierarchy collection contains all Items of the owner's GridTableView and all Items of the child views nested in that table view.
  • The Items property of RadGrid is a reference to the ItemsHierarchy property of its MasterTableView .>

The number of dynamic rows depends on the number of rows (records) in the Data Source and the number of groups (if grouping is enabled). Dynamic rows consist of data items, nested-view items, group-header items and edit-form items. (for examples of these different row types, see Overview of Telerik RadGrid structure)

Data items can come in two types:

  • Normal Rows - these are the odd rows of the grid (see rows 1 and 3 below). The appearance of the normal rows is controlled by the ItemStyle property.

  • Alternating Rows - these are the even rows of the grid (see rows 2 and 4 below). The appearance of the alternating rows is controlled by the AlternatingItemStyle property.

    Normal and Alternating rows

Both ItemStyle and AlternatingItemStyle are of type GridTableItemStyle. Additionally, for skins which have different styling for normal/alternating rows, you can disable the zebra effect by setting theClientSettings -> EnableAlternatingItems property of the grid to false.

See Also

In this article
Static RowsDynamic RowsSee Also
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