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Telerik Control Panel Forum
1 answer

The control panel indicates that it wants to download 526MB.  On our network that would take less than 2 minutes.

it has been sitting at "Downloading Progress Telerick UI for ASP.NET MVG R3 2021 SP2" for about an hour now.  I even restarted the update once and get to the same point and sat there.

Is there a problem of some kind?

Telerik team
 answered on 11 Jan 2022
2 answers

I've made several attempts to install Reporting extensions in a newly installed VS2022 Preview.  Twice failed with the Control Panel, 2021.2.1110.4, and once with the Telerik_Reporting_R3_2021_SP2_15_2_21_1125_DEV.msi installer.  I didn't see any errors in the Progress Installer Logs or event logs.

What did work was running the *\VS2022\Telerik.Reporting.VsX.vsix installer directly. 

A few weeks ago, I had the same issue with reporting on VS2019. 

Why can't the Reporting installer be installed from NuGet like the Reporting Trial?

Win 10 Ent 21H1, VS 2022 Ent Preview 4.8.04084




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Rank 2
 answered on 29 Dec 2021
1 answer

Today is the release of Visual Studio 2022.  While I realize your team is not responsible for that product, I do use your toolset daily.  

Do you have a recommended installation/upgrade path for your toolset given the new studio?  I did a side by side install of VS 2022 along side VS 2019.  Your product, prior to that install, was fully integrated into VS 2019.  I could create/maintain/upgrade projects with ease.  The "Telerik" menu existed in VS 2019.

Prior to installing VS 2022 my development box had never seen any version of 2022.  After I installed it, I was able to compile several existing projects which had Telerik controls.  That worked without issue.  When I looked around for Telerik menu, it was absent.

After removing all my Telerik Installed products, I then re-ran the install.  This time I noted the "VS 2022" checkboxes were checked. This makes sense as VS 2022 was now present on the system along with VS 2019.   Once I reinstalled all your products integration with VS 2022 appeared to be normal.    I regained my "Telerik" menu.

Did I miss a step?  Would following a different series of steps have been simpler? 

Thanks again for delivering an excellent toolset.

Nikolay Mishev
Telerik team
 answered on 11 Nov 2021
1 answer

Following this code sample to grab filtered data:

As per description this should return all filtered data, however it does not, it only returns filtered results that are shown on the current page, if you move to the next page it will get next page's results and so on, instead of getting entire filtered data set.

Is there any way to get entire filtered data set?


Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
 answered on 04 Nov 2021
1 answer

I know this comes up a lot, but the workaround is no longer working. The workaround being to modify an existing installation to expose the Control Panel installation checkbox. That option no longer exists.


Telerik team
 answered on 20 Oct 2021
5 answers

yesterday control panel start requesting an update, but running the downloaded new version do nothing: I can see the progress bar moving but at the end I'm getting always the older version, and running again the control panel it keep asking to update.

So I uninstall the older version and run the installer again : the installer start, I can see the progress bar, at the end it open the control panel with my credentials, but don't install it into my system (windows 10 Version 10.0.19043 Build 19043).

Always run the installer as administrator, no antivirus and no firewall blocks.

I attached the install log.


Nikolay Mishev
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Oct 2021
2 answers


I am trying to learn how to use Visual studio to Manipulate test studio test.

I followed instructions from this link

When i choose to open the file in Visual studio i get error i click ok and nothing visually happens in visual studio.

if I open the .csproj file directly in visual studio i just see XML skeleton.


I have added some screen shots so that you can perhaps understand what im trying to do.

Telerik team
 answered on 29 Jun 2021
3 answers

My team has 2 applications using Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core, one is using v2020.3.1118 and the other is using v2021.1.119.  Each application up until now was worked on by 2 different developers, but now one developer has been assigned both applications.  

The developer was originally working with v2020.3.1118 and has that installed on his machine via control panel.  Now that he has been assigned the application with v2021.1.119, he can't build it until he installs the new version via control panel.  The problem is that he has to uninstall the older version when the new version is installed (control panel seems to force this). 

Is there something we are missing here, it seems odd to only allow one version to be installed at a time.  We cannot update the older version to the newer without triggering a full QA regression (both manual and automated) that takes several weeks to complete before it goes into our release pipeline. 




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Rank 1
 updated answer on 07 Jun 2021
2 answers
9.9K+ views

Scan.cshmtl via View:

@(Html.Kendo().Grid<Main_Kendo.Models.ScannerViewModel>()                <---  Html.Kendo gets red underline error ??? 


.Columns(columns =>         


columns.Bound(b => b.Scan).Width(140);             

columns.Bound(b => b.BarcodeImage).Width(140);             

columns.Bound(b => b.DropZone).Width(140);             

columns.Bound(b => b.EnteredBy).Width(100);             

columns.Bound(b => b.EnteredDate).Width(130);             

columns.Command(command => command.Destroy()).Width(110);         


Whatever below.... 



The error message:

HtmlHelper <dynamic> doesn't contain a definition for Kendo and no accessible extension method for 'Kendo' accepting a first argument of type HtmlHelper

Already have ScannerViewModel in Models folder, Kendo.Mvc was missing references that I added.   

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Rank 1
 answered on 26 Apr 2021
4 answers
2.0K+ views

This problem is back with the latest version of Telerik UI R2 2021 (2021.1.119).

After updating the packages using the Telerik Control panel no projects will build om Visual Studio 2019 and Nuget packages will not install. 


C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.102\NuGet.targets(131,5): error : The local source 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\ToolboxNuGetPackages' doesn't exist.

The workaround is to manually create this folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\ToolboxNuGetPackages'

Telerik team
 answered on 08 Apr 2021
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