Telerik blogs


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  • Web jQuery

    Telerik RadGrid client-side data-binding using jQuery

    Instead of traditional ASP.NET AJAX approach for "Exposing Web Services to Client Script" you can use jQuery and JSON2 JavaScript libraries to achieve the same very easily. Using this simple method you can call any page method in ASP.NET Page or WebService method: function executeMethod(location, methodName, methodArguments, onSuccess, onFail) {     $.ajax({         type: "POST",         url: location + "/" + methodName,         data: methodArguments,         contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",         dataType: "json",         success: onSuccess,         fail: onFail     }); }   Here is an example also how to use JSON2 JavaScript library to serialize any JavaScript object to string: function getRequestData(tableView) {     return JSON.stringify({...
    October 09, 2008
  • Web jQuery

    How To: Animate RadGrid headers using jQuery

    Yesterday I saw this and I really liked the script. The idea is to animate backgroundPosition CSS property for desired HTML element and I have created small example how to do the same for RadGrid column headers: Enjoy! [Download]...
    September 26, 2008