Telerik blogs

Most of you are familiar with colorizing mechanism of the Telerik Windows8 theme for Telerik Controls for WPF /Silverlight.  What you need to do is to change the colors by modifying the desired brushes in code behind of your project. Unfortunately in many cases when deciding on which colors to use it is not an easy task to create palettes to match well for all controls without a lot of testing.

In this post I will describe to you the functionality of our brand new example that lets you tweak each different color of the Window8 theme palette. The sample project makes it possible to create custom color palettes and immediately see the results.

This color generator will help you build beautiful color schemes quickly and easily.  It comes with a set of seven color palettes that have been designed to work well together for our controls.

Developing the Windows8 theme comes with 5 main brushes for Telerik controls.  You can change the corresponding RadColorEditor and the effect will be reflected immediately on the left side of the application. If you don’t like the result you can easily restore the default color by clicking the reset button.


Once you have finished styling the color palette, simply click the “Copy colors to the clipboard” button and paste the generated colors inside your application code behind.

For example the generated palette looks like:

Windows8Palette.Palette.AccentColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ColorFromString("#FF3366CC"); Windows8Palette.Palette.MainColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ColorFromString("#FF000000"); Windows8Palette.Palette.BasicColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ColorFromString("#7F6E6E6E"); Windows8Palette.Palette.StrongColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ColorFromString("#FFA7A7A7"); Windows8Palette.Palette.MarkerColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ColorFromString("#FFE3E3E3");

I hope you will be inspired and use this generator to create beautiful custom palettes in your own creative sites and applications.


Now we have updated Color Theme generator to work with our other dynamic themes: Windows8Touch and Office2013. You can change the theme from the ComboBox located in the top left corner inside of the RibbonView:

About the Author

Maria Hadzhieva

Maria Hadzhieva is a front-end developer on the Progress Telerik team.

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