Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Using pre-Q1 2009 skins with Q1 2009!

    As I wrote in the following much commented post when the Q1 2009 beta was released - RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX did receive a major face-lift!   Despite the major improvements in a number of important areas, this change has caused turmoil as well (somewhat regrettably for both sides - customers and Telerik developers - involved). After the release, two major requests came from customers: 1) to help them keep an "old-style" skin in their applications as they liked it more than the new version, as well as 2) help them update their existing custom skins. I spent the last couple of days implementing...
    March 20, 2009

    Replay: Client-side Tips & Tricks of the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

    Last week I hosted a live webinar featuring the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. If you missed it, I discussed some of the client-side features of the RadControls. Specifically, I demonstrated how to take control of the functionality of your controls on the client to build better, more performant web applications. In addition, I discussed client-side data binding with web services as well as how you can get started using jQuery with the RadControls. If you’d weren’t able to make it on Thursday, or if you would like to review the content a second time, you can check it out now on...
    March 09, 2009

    Meet Telerik.Web.Design.dll

    This blog post has been updated !!! If you tried our Q1 2009 Beta you have probably noticed that there is a brand new assembly installed in your GAC - Telerik.Web.Design.dll. We decided to separate the design-time code from the web control implementation code. The reasons are many - better separation of concerns, less assembly references for the main assembly (Telerik.Web.UI.dll). We now have the freedom to extend the design time capabilities of RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax without bloating the main control assembly. Why didn't we make it that way from the beginning? The only reason is that Visual Studio 2008...
    March 06, 2009

    The Right Tool for the Right Job: RadTextBox for ASP.NET AJAX

    There are many ways to collect user input in ASP.NET web forms. There is the traditional ASP.NET TextBox control, or the handful of extenders available in the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Or, you could stick to straight HTML with the <input> and <textarea> elements. For developers using Telerik’s web controls, there are more (and better) options. The RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX contain a set of input controls collectively named RadInput controls. Included in this set are the RadTextBox, RadNumericTextBox, RadMaskedTextBox, RadDateInput, and RadInputManager. In this blog post I will discuss the features of the RadTextBox for ASP.NET AJAX, including those which make it...
    March 01, 2009

    RadRotator and RadMenu for ASP.NET AJAX: Building an Interactive Menu Together

    It’s always cool to see how the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX work together. Today I saw a question from a customer asking if the RadRotator can be used to create a menu similar to that on the Experts Exchange web site. If you’re unfamiliar with their menu, it’s got a lot of options in it. Because there are so many menu choices they decided to make the menu interactive, adding a button to the right-hand side of the menu which, when clicked, replaces the existing menu options with another set. Using this approach means you no longer have to be concerned about having...
    February 28, 2009