Telerik blogs
  • Release

    RadFormDecorator is Getting Even More CSS3

    A couple of versions ago, WebKit implemented their own vendor-specific property for the CSS3 appearance. It is called -khtml-appearance. According to the specifications of the World Wide Web Consortium: “CSS appearance sets 'appearance' to the specified value and the other properties to their appropriate system value.  'normal' resets 'appearance' to 'normal' and the others to 'inherit'. The 'appearance' property does not affect the specified or computed values of any other properties.” A little bit of vague explanation, however it is not the point of my blog post. Using this WebKit feature in RadFormDecorator was crucial, and let us drop the listening to the poorly...
    August 14, 2009
  • Web jQuery

    Using jQuery to customize RadScheduler

    Telerik RadControls' for ASP.NET AJAX rendering is quite jQuery friendly. This is because almost all important html elements are tagged by a css class and therefore can be easily accessed using jQuery. In this blog post I have collected various cases from our forums and ticketing system on using jQuery to customize RadScheduler.  Special thanks to all customers or visitors who raised those questions. Q:  “I have a scheduler in timeline view showing six weeks of information.  Is it possible to change the header row background for the first two weeks?” A: The first step in finding a solution is to examine...
    July 14, 2009

    Are you mouse-bored?

    Hi all, First of all let me introduce myself - my name is Nikolay Rusev and I am developer at one of Telerik's ASP.NET teams. I will talk about a couple of the RadGrid sometimes easily overlooked and at the same time unique features - item selection and keyboard navigation. With the new Q2 2009 release of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX there are a lot of improvements in both directions: enhanced multi row selection using Ctrl and/or Shift keys firing predefined RadGrid command on key events:  Edit when Enter key is pressed Update/PerformInsert command on Enter key press when current focused control is...
    July 10, 2009

    Z-index demystified

    In this blog post I will try to explain how CSS z-index works and a how to avoid a few common mistakes. First of all the z-index is used to control the z-order of positioned HTML elements. Simply put it controls the stacking order of HTML elements. To set it set the "z-index" CSS attribute of your element to some integer value. Z-index works only for positioned elements. Positioned elements are elements whose "position" CSS attribute is set to "relative", "absolute" or "fixed". The default "position" is "static" which means that by default setting z-index has no effect. Z-index is NOT measured in...
  • Release

    RadControls Q2 2009 source requires Visual Studio 2008

    The upcoming Q2 2009 release of RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax is now built with Visual Studio 2008. As most of you know Visual Studio 2008 supports multi-targeting and we decided to exploit that feature in order to improve our productivity. Here are the main reasons of preferring Visual Studio 2008 over Visual Studio 2005: The IDE provides better development experience. C# 3.0 provides lots of features which do not require .NET 3.5. To name a few: object initializers using the new "var" keyword anonymous types auto properties Improved compilation time. Seamless change of configurations - we can easily change the .NET framework version from the project settings. This however does...
    June 30, 2009