Telerik blogs
  • Release

    RadFormDecorator Q2 2009 - more decoration options, faster rendering!

    RadFormDecorator might be one of the lesser-known controls in the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX suite, yet it is a control that can eliminate much of the hassle and greatly reduce the time needed for completing the look and feel of a Web solution. What the control does is decorate elements that are usually rendered by the browser, such as buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons, fieldsets, etc. It just so happens that this product can be used for free - as it is one of the goodies that Telerik provides for the whole ASP.NET community out there! As of Q2 2009, the RadFormDecorator will feature a new - faster and more flexible- rendering, as...
    June 24, 2009

    Using the RadFileExplorer for ASP.NET AJAX in a MOSS web application

    The RadFileExplorer is a fairly new control in our ASP.NET AJAX suite and we are happy to see that a lot of people are already adopting it into their solutions. In this post I will show how to make the file explorer work with SharePoint libraries. By default, the control interfaces with a virtual folder in your web application and allows you to do all kinds of file/folder operations (create new folders, upload/move/delete items, preview, etc.). Unfortunately, the default behavior of the control is limited to virtual folders that can be mapped to physical locations on the server's drives. MOSS web...
    June 17, 2009

    Common RadWindow issues and their solution

    The RadWindow control is part of the Telerik’s RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX suite and is intended to replace the standard browser’s popup ( Since the control is based on an IFRAME, it behaves just like one – basically, whatever can be done with an IFRAME, can be achieved with RadWindow as well. This fact is useful when you investigate a reason for some problem related to the RadWindow control. Just replace the RadWindow with a standard IFRAME or browser’s popup and see how your application will behave in this case. If the problem still exists, then it is not related to the...
    June 04, 2009
  • Release

    Meet the Visual Style Builder CTP

    It's alive. Before anything else, it's a preview, so it may burn you. You've been warned! Colorization Surprise, surprise! I hope you didn't see that one coming. I've had a hard time keeping the secret... Every color that you may desire. By moving a humble slider that rotates the color wheel. Simple as that. And if you don't know what you're looking for, there's a "surprise me!" "randomize" button, just to make your life easier.
  • Web

    Executing JavaScript function from server-side code

    This is a pretty common scenario when working with WebForms. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, but they have one thing in common – you should make sure that the controls are fully loaded in the page before trying to get a reference to them and use them in your JavaScript code. In ASP.NET it is pretty straightforward to do that. For example you could use a label: ASPX <head runat="server">     <title>Untitled Page</title>     <script type="text/javascript">     function calledFn()     {         alert("code fired");      }     </script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">         <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Run JavaScript Code" OnClick="Button1_Click" />         <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>    ...