Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Telerik Trainer is LIVE!

    As you most probably know (see Falafel Releases Telerik Trainer At TechEd 2008, Telerik Trainer Sneak Preview) we have been working on a new training tool for Telerik products. Telerik Trainer is a state of the art learning tool which we have produced together with our great partners at Falafel Software.   You can now get your hands on the Telerik Trainer at: (signing in required). We are initially releasing a total of 27 training sessions (for RadControls ASP.NET AJAX and Telerik Reporting) and we plan to regularly add more tutorials for all Telerik Products. Telerik Trainer is an important milestone in our...
    June 26, 2008
  • Productivity Reporting

    Export and Printing RadGridView using Telerik Reporting

    Hi everyone, by means of introduction my name is Martin Vassilev and I am a support officer with the Windows Forms team here at Telerik. As of late, we noticed increased interest towards RadGridView data export capabilities. What we have always told our customers is that the RadGridView will have only basic Microsoft Excel export capability, until we are able to implement a commercial grade format converter here at Telerik. However, that requires quite some time, and customers can’t wait right? What was needed was a quick, easy, stable way of exporting RadGridView content to formats such as RTF, PDF and...
  • Release

    Telerik Reporting courseware available for free download

    Our friends at Falafel did it again - they created an amazing step-by-step guide for Telerik Reporting customers. The extensive document will walk you through the product, highlight its capabilities and provide in-depth information about databinding, styling, expressions, sorting, filtering, design-time and much more. Coming to nearly 200 pages, the courseware comes with a lot of code snippets that will show you the true power of our report generator engine. The courseware is available for free download at Enjoy! And keep the feedback...
  • Release

    The new Reporting designer - New user experience for everyone

    Have you ever been addicted to something? Well I am now in the Q1 2008 Telerik Reporting Designer. The new state of the art design surface, available in Visual Studio, will definitely grab you from the very beginning. It will bring new user experience to all of you who like your reports to look better then just a list of records, items and numbers. But let me start from the beginning. The graph paper background of the designer is specially chosen to assist you in designing your layout and gives you an excellent visual presentation of what your report will look...
    April 29, 2008