Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Reporting

    Filtering with string parameter that allows free user input

    As you probably know, Telerik Reporting comes with built-in parameters and filters. Report parameters allow users to specify or control the data used in a report. They are extremely powerful when used in expressions for filtering, sorting, grouping or even directly provide a value. When used with filters you can limit the number of records in a report based on specified filter rules. If the conditions of the rules are met, the record is included in the report.  Let's suppose we have a string parameter that allows free user input, wired up with a filter. This way the user has the freedom to type any word and the report would be filtered based on the parameter...
    September 17, 2009
  • Productivity

    Changing the position of the report progress indicator

    By design the progress indicator of the web report viewer is centered in the viewable area. However in some cases you might want to change its position (e.g. ReportViewer longer than a viewable page). To achieve that we would get the progress area through a few lines of javascript and change its position according to our needs: <script type="text/javascript">                  var viewer = <%=ReportViewer1.ClientID%>;                 var waitDiv = document.getElementById("ReportViewer1_ReportArea_WaitControl");                 var tcell = waitDiv.getElementsByTagName("TD")[0];        = "top";        = "left";     </script>     A sample project showing this functionality is available in this code library article. For those of you who would also like to change the viewer's skin and progress indicator itself, please review Applying custom skin to the web report viewer code library. Hope this helps! Steve...
    September 09, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Reporting: Using connectionStrings from configuration file

    We've been asked several times, what is the right way of using connection strings from the configuration file, so that Telerik Reports would work both in run time and design time. The answer can be found in this new Knowledge Base article: Using connectionStrings from configuration file It is worth mentioning that the Report and Data Source Wizards do this automatically when instructed to save the selected connection string in the config file. A working solution using the approach from the latter article can be found in our Visual Studio examples. Enjoy! ---------------- Steve...
    August 28, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Medium Trust Support for Telerik Reporting

    A lot of people requested this, so we've put all our efforts into it and even managed to finish it in time for the Q2 service pack that shipped just this Friday - download it if you haven't yet. Please hold on your dismay - deploying an ASP.NET application containing Telerik Reporting on a web host that requires Medium Trust permission level is now a reality. For those of you, who do not know what that means - you probably do not need it, but if you would like to know, check the following "ASP.NET Trust Levels and Policy Files" and "Use Medium Trust in ASP.NET 2.0" documents in MSDN. There...
    August 10, 2009
  • Release

    New DEMO page for Telerik Reporting

        For a while now, we've been thinking about trying to distinguish between the concept of a QSF (Quick Start Framework) and a Demo. As you know, we call our Demos a QSF, because people can use it to get started with our controls by simply reviewing the code of the example. However, this does not hold true for Telerik Reporting, where the code is auto-generated by the report designer, and thus it does not really help in learning the product. So we decided - why not show how the reports are made instead and leave the designer to take care of the...
    July 17, 2009