Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Reporting Q2 2009 release

        Our main efforts for the Q2 2009 release were focused on the table item and as you can see from the release notes, we've added quite a few airs and graces here and there. Most noticeable of all being the two helper items - Table Wizard and CrossTab Wizard, print on every page ability for the ColumnGroup/RowGroup headers, GroupKeepTogether and various design time improvements - merge/split, keyboard navigation/selection and edit. Two improvements to the Report API - Processing Error Handling and the ability to hide the print progress dialog when printing a report programmatically For all of you Excel lovers out there - we've added standard percent, custom numeric...
    July 15, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Teaser: Telerik Reporting CrossTab Wizard

    Telerik Reporting Q2 2009 release (expected within a week) would come with new table/crosstab wizards. As the first one is pretty trivial i.e. you set datasource for the table and select which columns to show, we would skip detail introduction, but showing off with the crosstab wizard is something we would gladly do :) As you can see our designers have prepared some really nice images to spice it up. Now let's go to the Arrange Fields step, where we select the fields from our datasource and arrange them into Row/Column groups depending on what we're aiming for. If we skip adding fields to the...
    June 27, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Do not filter on null

    This post might seem like a no brainer, but I've received quite a few inquiries on this matter recently, so decided to post here.  Let's say you have a parameter of Type: DateTime with AllowNull: true and we filter on a field based on the input parameter value i.e.: Expression        Operator      Value ===========   ========  ================================= =Fields.MyField        =            =Parameters.MyParam When we tick the 'null' checkbox, it basically filters the report to find the Fields with Nulls. However one might expect that it just won't filter at all with this setup. And indeed if you do not wish to filter, you should not have to. Then how do you handle "empty/blank" values in such cases and...
  • Productivity Reporting

    Setting custom skin for the web report viewer

    I've been asked a few times by clients how to customize the web report viewer's skins, so they can better match their company identity. I would try to describe 'the process' in this post. We are trying to stay close to the approach used for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, so one who has used our web controls would be pleasantly surprised to find two familiar properties in Telerik Reporting - Skin and SkinsPath. As their names suggest, the first one is used to specify the name of the skin, while the second one specifies the path where this skin can be found. Let's start with...
  • Release

    Telerik Reporting Q1 2009 SP1 is now live

    Once again our constant urge to provide you with the Telerik quality you're used to, resulted in Q1's first service pack of Telerik Reporting. It's needless to say that it contains important bug fixes and improvements of the product and to our new "players" - the Table and HtmlTextBox items. Here is a brief overview: Added support for multi-page view in the Win Report Viewer - although it is not common to include new functionality for a service pack, we decided to push this through instead of making you wait for the Q2 release. This has been long awaited feature for many of you, so do give it a spin. Next thing...