Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Reporting

    How to create Self-Hosted Telerik Reporting WCF Service in 9 easy steps

    With the 2010 Q1 SP1 release of Telerik Reporting we have introduced Self-Hosted Reporting WCF Service. In the following blog we are explaining how to use our new feature. First lets highlight the advantages of the Self-Hosted services: Easy to use: With only a few lines of code you have your service running. Easy to debug: Debugging WCF services that are hosted in a self-hosted environment provides a familiar way of debugging, without having to attach to separate applications that activate your service. Easy to deploy. Flexible: You can easily control the lifetime of your services. Supports all bindings and transport. For the service...
    April 29, 2010
  • Productivity Reporting

    Using Telerik Reporting in a WPF application

    Now that Telerik Reporting provides WPF support, let's see how to use it (a video on this topic is available as well): Creating the application Install RadControls for WPF 2010 Q1 SP1 (download | release notes). Install the corresponding Telerik Reporting version. Create a new WPF application project in Visual Studio Add references to the following Telerik RadControls for WPF assemblies: Telerik.Windows.Controls Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation Telerik.Windows.Data NOTE: It is possible that the RadControls for WPF assemblies have a greater version than the one against which the WPF Report Viewer control was built. In this case you have to add appropriate assembly binding...
    April 23, 2010
  • Release

    Telerik Reporting introduces WPF Report Viewer, the first reporting tool supporting all .NET desktop and web platforms

    With the release of Telerik Reporting Q1 2010 Service Pack 1 we are proud to announce a very important addition to Telerik Reporting. Finally, our suite of report viewers is now complete, making Telerik Reporting the first reporting tool to support all .NET desktop and web platforms: ASP.NET, Silverlight (incl. out-of-browser support), Windows Forms, and WPF. The newest member of the viewer family is the WPF Report Viewer which allows developers to deliver reports produced by Telerik Reporting to any rich application developed with WPF. The viewer supports all functionality available in the ASP.NET, Silverlight and Win Viewers,  including printing and exporting...
    April 21, 2010
  • Productivity Document Processing

    Programmatic export to PDF from Silverlight application

    Ever wanted to export a Telerik report from a Silverlight application? This is easily accomplished by instantiating the ReportServiceClient class, which plays the role of proxy to the Telerik Report Service. To specify that you want to render the report we use the RenderAsync method of the ReportServiceClient, which invokes the respective method on the server (remember that it serves as proxy) that would return the rendered report. Since we’ve used an asynchronous method and we do not know when the render would finish, we need to handle the RenderCompleted event. In the RenderCompleted event we get the result from the rendering and decide what to...
    February 03, 2010
  • Release

    New RSS feeds available for Telerik Reporting

    Telerik is definitely unique in its transparency and openness when it comes to providing you with information on the work we do for you, our clients and users. So, here comes a new transparent channel to get the most recent news about Telerik Reporting directly in your RSS reader, without the need to visit our site. In addition to the already available Reporting Support Feed, which provides you with information on new Code Library projects and new Knowledge Base articles on RadControls for WinForms, we add the following feeds on new help articles, new demos, and new internal builds: Telerik Reporting Help RSS...
    December 17, 2009