Telerik blogs
  • Web

    5+ Ways to Reduce your .Xap Size

    Being Silverlight developer means that we are also kind of web developers. From this point of view, we also have to think about the web traffic that our applications generate. We need to reduce it as much as possible. So basically we need to reduce the size of the application's output - the .xap file. In this post I'll try to summarize the five ways to reduce the size of a xap that I've shared today with Sofia's Silverlight User Group. Understanding the Xap In order to reduce the size of a xap file, we should first be aware of its structure. Basically it can contain only 4 things: AppManifest.xaml -...
    September 15, 2010
  • Release

    Telerik Assembly Minifier - official release

    What is Assembly Minifier If you still don’t know what it is: You should first read my previous post, where I announced the first Beta version of the tool You can watch the “Introduction to Assembly Minifier” video, kindly provided by Todd Anglin and Telerik TV You can read “why Silverlight application size matters” (the xap file) and how Assembly Minifier helps you reduce the XAP file size - by Todd Anglin. Read more… You can go to,  get your reduced Silverlight assemblies, build your application's XAP file with the new assemblies and significantly improve your application performance and downloading experience   What is New in the Q2 2010...
  • Productivity

    Telerik Assembly Minifier

    What is it? Telerik Assembly Minifier is a tool that lets you extract only the controls’ classes and resources you need to use in your application development, thus significantly reducing the size of the assemblies. Using the Assembly Minifier you will achieve significantly better loading time when the XAP files containing the minified (optimized) assemblies are to be loaded on the client side. Reducing (minifying) the size of Telerik Silverlight assemblies In order to minify the assemblies, you should: Open the application at: Browse and upload Telerik Silverlight Assemblies, the ones that you want to optimize. See the tips at the bottom, for more information on uploading. After you select...
  • Web

    RadBook now supports virtualization

    I am proud to announce that RadBook, along with RadGridView, RadTreeView, RadTreeListView, RadChart and RadScheduler, now supports virtualization. With previous versions, it would take up to 16 seconds to load 1000 pages, where now it takes just 2 seconds to load a set of 10,000,000 (10 million) items.   The cause of the performance boost is the way RadBook handles the unnecessary(non-visible) elements. As you probably know, while turning a page, only four pages are visible at any given moment in time. Previous versions of RadBook would just collapse the unnecessary elements, which had a significant impact on the initial loading time. The...
    March 12, 2010
  • Web

    UI Virtualization in CoverFlow for Silverlight

        While we are still on the crest of a performance wave, I want to spend some time to introduce the power of UI Virtualization in CoverFlow for Silverlight coming with our 2010 Q1 release.     The two most common scenarios for using a CoverFlow is either to create a navigation menu that features a small number of items, or to build a browsing control for images or videos that can feature up to a million items. The first case is quiet straight-forward. For a navigation control you generally have no more than 10-12 items which are handled with ease in...