Telerik blogs

    WebForms to Razor view converter tool

    We just love inventing tools. It’s one of those things hardcoded in our genome. There’s a great joy in seeing your invention work for you and all you have to do is sit back and sip a beer debug the hell out of it. But I digress. During the conversion of our online examples to the Razor view engine we’ve came up with a simple tool to help us. We didn’t have great hopes for it, as completely automatic conversion is hardly possible. It’s purpose was to take care of the bulk of the conversion, leaving the more fine points to the human...
    January 19, 2011

    Full Razor support and examples coming in SP1 of Telerik Extensions for MVC (2010 Q3)

    We’ve “signed off” the first service release of the Telerik Extensions (2010 Q3) just a few minutes ago and it’s on its way to you. Apart from the usual fixes this release adds full support for the new Razor view engine. The official MVC 3 release has been out only for a few days, but the interest in this new view engine is deservedly high. This view engine required some tinkering under the hood of the Extensions, but it has all been taken care of. Any issues you might have had until now (nested content rendering out of place, syntax errors in template...
    January 18, 2011
  • Release

    Fresh Telerik ASP.NET MVC and AJAX service packs

    Happy New Year everyone! The time has come to get another round of Telerik ASP.NET service packs that add more power to your web development arsenal. This is especially true for the Telerik Q3 2010 SP1 MVC release that delivers official MVC 3 RTM/NuGet package manager support. What is more, starting with this SP release, you will be able to switch the live Telerik MVC demos from WebForms to Razor view engine using a button hosted within the source code viewer: Thus you can very easily explore how the view will look like using WebForms or Razor templates coding techniques. The source...
    January 18, 2011

    Binding Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC to OData

    We have just made a nice demo application showing how to bind Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC to OData using Telerik TV as OData producer. The grid supports paging, sorting and filtering using OData’s query options. To do that we implemented a helper JavaScript routine (defined in an external JavaScript file which is included in the sample project) which is used to bind the grid. Here is how the code looks like: @(Html.Telerik().Grid<TelerikTVODataBinding.Models.Video>() .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(v => v.ImageUrl).Sortable(false).Filterable(false).Width(200).HtmlAttributes(new { style="text-align:center" }); ...
    December 16, 2010
  • Release

    Telerik ASP.NET Q3 2010 SP1 installments

    We have just shipped the first RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2010 maintenance release that contains mainly fixes and several improvements for the AJAX controls. Below are some of the important enhancements that you may find useful: Updated jQuery library used in Telerik.Web.UI to version 1.4.4 (Grid) GridNumericColumn.DecimalDigits property and LocalizationPath property to specify custom location for XML resource files (Rotator) Support for reflections in the Carousel and CarouselButtons modes (StyleSheetManager) Ability to combine style sheets in a designated external folder (TreeList) WCAG Level A accessibility compliance The complete release notes list is available here and the updated online demos are can be...
    December 15, 2010