Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Meet the Upload extension for ASP.NET MVC

    As is usual for this time of the year, the Q1 release is ready and packed in pretty boxes. Inside you’ll find the new Upload, Splitter and Slider extensions and a host of other improvements. Hope this will make it up for the lack of bubble wrap. Introducing the Upload Uploading files in the browser is a somewhat painful process for both users and developers. The typical user experience you get by placing an <input type=”file”> on the page, is primitive by today's standards. Traditionally, improving the upload experience required the use of plug-ins like Flash or Silverlight. But not any more, as...
  • Release

    Telerik MVC Q1 2011 BETA Pack

    We are excited to present you the Q1 2011 BETA release of Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC! For everyone who is eager to know what we cooked for the next major release of the MVC bundle, please read on. In addition to the official ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM and NuGet Package Manager support and the VS Extensions MVC3 project templates we announced with the Q3 2010 SP1 launch, three new extensions are joining the Telerik MVC UI components family: Upload Splitter Slider Furthermore, we enriched the set of Telerik MVC Grid features with some fresh additions like batch editing/updates, group aggregates and group header/footer...
    February 24, 2011

    MVC3 and Grid Hierarchy

    In my last blog post I did a quick overview of the Razor ViewEngine and showed a few examples of the new syntax working with the Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC.  If you haven’t read over the blog post yet I recommend that you do before you continue reading this one, especially if you are not familiar with the Razor ViewEngine yet. Today I wanted to take a look at a how the new Razor ViewEngine works with our Grid for ASP.NET MVC, specifically in terms of Server Hierarchy. Why just Server and not Ajax you say? Well the WebForms code...
    January 27, 2011

    MVC3 and unobtrusive validation support with Grid for ASP.NET MVC

    As you may know, we just released our ASP.NET MVC extensions latest service pack. Beside the regular dose of fixes, this service release incorporates even better support of the official version of MVC3. One of those new MVC3 feature, which I want to bring to your attention, is the unobtrusive validation.   We all know how client validation from the previous version of MVC has worked; outputting a mass of JSON serialized validation rules. Although, this approach is still available, the newer one is far more pleasing. Enabled by default in the VS2010’s MVC3 project template, validation rules will be attached...
    January 20, 2011
  • Release

    MVC 3 and the Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC

    Last week MVC 3 RTM was released. I’ve been able to play around with the various release candidates and I have to say that I love the new changes, especially the new Razor ViewEngine. For those of you that have not been looking into the changes for MVC 3, or you are just starting to look into MVC, I wanted to first introduce the Razor ViewEngine and then show you how to use the syntax with some of our extensions for ASP.NET MVC. First up is the Razor ViewEngine. Now a ViewEngine is essentially what takes all of the code in...
    January 20, 2011