Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Choose JustCode

    Overview JustCode has come quite a long way over the past months, and it shows.  The product is maturing at a very rapid pace to increase the productivity of developers everywhere.  I would like to remind everyone why JustCode rocks :)   We have strived to make JustCode’s UI simple and clear by keeping dialog usage to a minimum, and working to make it flow with your standard development habits.  While it has all the features that developers have come to expect in productivity tools such as navigation, refactoring, generation, formatting, and quick fixes, it also provides many other features. Also, if you...
    April 08, 2010
  • Productivity

    Navigate Quickly with JustCode and Ctrl+Click

    Ctrl + Click is a widely used shortcut for Go To Definition in many development environments but not in Visual Studio. We, the JustCode team, find it really useful so we added it to Visual Studio. But we didn't stop there - we improved it even further. Read on to find the details. With JustCode you get an enhanced Go To Definition. By default you can execute it in the Visual Studio editor using one of the following shortcuts: Middle Click, Ctrl+Left Click, F12, Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+B. The first usage of this feature is not much different from the default Visual Studio...
    March 30, 2010
  • Productivity

    Tip of the Day: Remove the most annoying Visual Studio shortcut - F1

    Have you pressed F1 in Visual Studio? Did you wait a couple of minutes cursing it? I did. And I found a cure, a very simple cure - remove the F1 shortcut. Here are the simple steps: in Visual Studio -> Tools -> Option -> Keyboard -> find Help.F1Help shortcut -> remove F1 key binding. You are cured!...
    June 19, 2008