Today we have shipped our December service pack of WPF and Silverlight controls. Keeping the good tradition, our release is packed with numerous improvements and some new features. You can find the detailed list of changes for WPF and Silverlight on our What’s New section but I’ll highlight some of the most important here:
All Controls:
- Introduced mechanism for changing application icon set at runtime.
- Add a way to pass event arguments to command when using Telerik's EventToCommandBehavior.
Barcode - Added support for automatic selection of Version, based on the length of the text and the specified ErrorCorrectionLevel.
Calendar - Performance improvements.
Diagram - Expose an event which is fired before the activation of a connector.
EntityFrameworkDataSource - Added support for EntityFramework 6.0 (Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework60 assembly introduced).
GridView - Design for invalid-edit mode state of the new row.
- All editors are now stretched relative to its parent row height.
- Lightweight templates visual optimizations.
- EditTriggers are now respected by GridViewColumn.
Map - Added ability to select shapes using intersection with selection rectangle.
- Add support of the layers for the OpenStreet map provider.
- Fix IndexOutOfRangeException when RadMap.MaxZoomLevel property is changed dynamically.
NumericUpDown - Added a property for changing NumberDecimalSeparator.
- Make it possible to display decimal numbers to their significant digit when NumberDecimalDigits is set (HideTrailingZeros).
- Make it possible when editing percentage, the text to remain in the same format.
PivotGrid - Created PivotChartViewModel for easier integration with RadChartView.
- We have added IsBetween filter when data in RadPivotGrid is from OLAP Cube. By using it you are able to filter your data only to a specific range. You can use IsBetween when you create Label filter, Value filter or Report filter.
- RadPivotFieldList - add filter dialog for a group description directly in Row/Columns groups.
PDFViewer - Implemented shading.
- Implemented RunLenghtDecode.
- Full support for ColorSpaces.
- Exposed ClearDocument() method.
- Provided functionality that will allow the user to get exception in DocumentSource
PropertyGrid - Added ItemChanged event.
- Added editors caching (EnableEditorCaching property with default value True).
- Expand/Collapse groups improvements.
RibbonView - Localization feature in RadRibbon controls.
- Make the whole RibbonViewGalleryButtonUpDown of the RadRibbonGallery localizable (currently the "of" text is in the sourcecode).
RichTextBox - DocxFormatProvider, HtmlFormatProvider, RtfFormatProvider and XamlFormatProvider are thread safe for export/import.
- Implemented UpdateAllFieldsCommand which updates all type of fields in RadDocument.
- Paragraph symbol is layouted on one line with its preceding page break symbol (similar to MS Word).
- Exposed method that changes FirstPageNumber of Section.
Spreadsheet - Introduced support of SUMIF, COUNTIF, LOOKUP and INDEX functions.
- Support for wildcard characters when searching and replacing content.
TabControl - Add DragReorder events.
- Allow drag reorder of only specific items.
TreeListView - Design for invalid-edit mode state of the new row.
- All editors are now stretched relative to its parent row height.
- Lightweight templates visual optimizations.
Download the new bits for
WPF or
Silverlight and give them a try.
Please do not hesitate to share your feedback.