Telerik blogs

If you’re like me and you enjoy reading developer controls documentation (who doesn’t?), you may have noticed a new addition to the online documentation today for both RadControls for Silverlight and RadControls for WPF. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a new effort we are launching alongside the Q3 2011 release – Telerik Patterns & Practices:

Telerik Patterns & Practices Node

Our first series for Telerik P&P is in direct response to a customer request, specifically for advice on how to handle an Event-to-Command scenario within their Silverlight application. Since there are more than a few ways to handle that we figured it would be best to step through each as well as provide a complete demo solution with source code for a quick jump-start for anyone who wants more concrete examples. 

The guidance written for Event-To-Command includes the following articles:

  • Overview – Basic setup for the series, getting us ready to explore different options
  • Event-Based – How you would respond to a given event using code-behind and event subscription
  • Blend Option – How to utilize System.Windows.Interactivity and Triggers to enable a basic E-to-C arrangement in an MVVM setup
  • MVVM Light Option – Building upon the Triggers example, demonstrates how MVVM Light additionally enables support for passing event arguments, a must for many scenarios
  • Prism Option – How to accomplish similar using attached behaviors, providing the most flexibility and code re-use within your solution

You can follow the links here for Silverlight and here for WPF, and source code is available for both the Silverlight and WPF versions at the end of the Prism Option article (WPF has slight tweaks for the Prism Option based on framework differences). Otherwise if you just want to dive into the code you can go ahead and download both the Silverlight and WPF versions from our code library.

So let us know what you think! If you have any scenarios you would like to see covered simply drop me a line at Hutnick (at) or hit me up on Twitter (@EvanHutnick). Otherwise we’ll be adding to this resource as customer questions make their way through our sales and support teams or as we come across scenarios that we feel need a little extra guidance.

Stay tuned for more!

About the Author

Evan Hutnick

works as a Developer Evangelist for Telerik specializing in Silverlight and WPF in addition to being a Microsoft MVP for Silverlight. After years as a development enthusiast in .Net technologies, he has been able to excel in XAML development helping to provide samples and expertise in these cutting edge technologies. You can find him on Twitter @EvanHutnick.

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