Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Now Available - The RadScheduler Control for Windows 8 HTML

    Out latest release of the Windows 8 HTML control suite features the new RadScheduler. With its wealth of features, like multiple views and grouping, we hope that the scheduler will enable Windows 8 and 8.1 developers to easily create new and exciting applications.
    October 31, 2013
  • Mobile

    Using the Performance Analyzer for HTML5 Apps in Windows 8

    If you have built a Windows 8 app, you are probably familiar with the WACK (Windows App Certification Kit). This small utility allows a developer to make sure that their app passes the basic tests performed during the Windows Store certification process. Visual Studio 2012 advises you to run the WACK each time you create an app package. This tool is great for small and simple apps, but for more complex ones you will need a better way to evaluate their performance. That is why you should also test using the Performance Analyzer for HTML5 Apps.
    December 04, 2012

    How to set a custom height for RadButton and RadFormDecorated buttons in ASP.NET AJAX

    Lately we’ve been receiving one question quite often - is it possible to increase the RadButton and / or RadFormDecorator’s button default height. Usually people are trying to set the needed value to the Height property: <telerik:RadFormDecorator runat="server" DecoratedControls="All" /> <asp:Button runat="server" Text="RadForm Button" Height="40" /> <telerik:RadButton runat="server" Text="RadButton" Height="40"> </telerik:RadButton>   But the result is not pretty:      By default the RadButton as well as ASP Buttons and inputs of type=”button” decorated by the RadFormDecorator are visually built with sprite images that apply a specific gradient to the element. The sprite image has a specific height, which means you cannot just change the button’s height property because the sprite image will be either cut off or...
    April 23, 2012
  • Release

    Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Controls Support Visual Studio 11 Beta from Day One!

    Unless you missed it somehow, last week Microsoft released the public preview of Windows 8 along with the beta of Visual Studio 11. They are both available for download right now and we encourage you to check out the tiled future :). If you already did that and you are still wondering if it's possible to build normal ASP.NET AJAX web applications using the new Win and VS releases, then this blog post will be helpful to you! First of all, a new build of the Telerik's ASP.NET AJAX controls is available in your accounts, specifically targeting Visual Studio 11 beta! The features...
    March 05, 2012
  • Release

    New Sample Application Available for ASP.NET AJAX – Image Gallery

    An image gallery is a popular feature in a website, so we decided to demonstrate how easy and quick it is to build a gallery with the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and OpenAccess ORM. The finished app is compatible not only with the latest desktop browsers, but also with the major mobile ones.   The list of images on the main page was a perfect opportunity to show off the new client-side data-binding of our RadListView control. To get the data to the browser, we settled on a WCF Web Service. The same approach is used for populating the images in a...
    February 24, 2012