Generate multiple files based on filtering criteria

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  1. 2A48F178-3353-4D98-8DB0-E876C7634A5B
    2A48F178-3353-4D98-8DB0-E876C7634A5B avatar
    234 posts
    Member since:
    May 2006

    Posted 11 Jul 2008 Link to this post


    Reporting version  2.5
    .NET version  2.0
    Visual Studio version VS2005
    programming language  C#
    To convert code Telerik online converter

    HOW TO
    Generate multiple files based on filtering criteria
    In some scenarios you might need multiple files depending on some criteria. This can be generally achieved by exporting the whole report and then split it with some program handling your export format. However, this could be quite time consuming when it comes to html, csv, tiff or pdf export where it is not possible to slice the file without additional knowledge about the exported format and in the last case - paid software to edit it. The easiest way to go in such case would be to programmatically render multiple times the report applying different filters, so that the end result would be separated files sliced by some condition. Find attached a sample report with defined filter and report parameter used in the filter. Both windows and web application demonstrating how to change the value of the report's parameter and export the report are available.
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