Purchasing & Licensing FAQs


  • What's included in the license?
  • What’s the difference between a Subscription and a Perpetual license?
  • How many licenses do I need?
  • How do I assign developers and managers to the purchased licenses?
  • What is the difference between a license holder, developer and manager?
  • Can I install the product on more than one machine?
  • Can I use the product on more than one project/server/domain?
  • Am I allowed to use the product after it expires?
  • Why do I need to assign the licenses I purchased to the developers who will use them?
  • How do I transfer a license to another user?


  • How can I purchase a license?
  • Can I purchase a license for someone else?
  • Can I purchase a license through a reseller?
  • How can I find my previous orders?
  • Do you have a refund policy?

    Special Pricing

  • Do you offer discounts to educational and non-profit organizations?
  • Do you offer competitive upgrades?
  • Do you offer volume discounts?
  • What are Telerik Points and how can I use them as a discount?

    Downloading and Installing Your Products

  • How do I download and install the licensed product version?
  • How do I install new versions of the product I bought?
  • How do I access any other product files or the latest internal build?

    Renewals & Upgrades

  • How can I check my upgrade options?
  • Am I required to renew my subscription license?
  • Why should I renew my perpetual license?
  • How do I renew my license?

What is the Auto-Renewal Program?

The Auto-Renewal Program allows members to pay their Telerik product license renewals directly from their credit/debit card account. The Auto-Renewal Program payment process automatically renews each year, freeing you from having to resubmit your renewal and payment information annually.