Events Overview
RadTreeView supports a number of client-side events that let you customize behavior:
OnClientContextMenuItemClicked: occurs when the user clicks a context menu item for a node.
OnClientContextMenuItemClicking: occurs when the user clicks a context menu item for a node but before the OnClientContextMenuItemClicked event.
OnClientContextMenuShowing: occurs just before the context menu is displayed.
OnClientContextMenuShown: occurs when the context menu is displayed.
OnClientDoubleClick: occurs when a node is double-clicked with the mouse.
OnClientKeyPressing: occurs when any key is pressed while the TreeView is having the focus.
OnClientMouseOut: occurs when the mouse leaves the area of a node.
OnClientMouseOver: occurs as the mouse passes over a node.
OnClientNodeChecked: occurs after a node checkbox value is toggled.
OnClientNodeChecking: occurs when just before the checkbox value is toggled.
OnClientNodeClicked: occurs when a node is navigated to by the mouse or keyboard.
OnClientNodeClicking: occurs when a node is navigated to by the mouse or keyboard and before the OnClientNodeClicked event.
OnClientNodeCollapsed: occurs when a parent node collapses to hide its child nodes.
OnClientNodeCollapsing: occurs just before a parent node collapses to hide its child nodes.
OnClientNodeDataBound: occurs when a Node is being created during Web Service Load on Demand.
OnClientTemplateDataBound: occurs after the client template is being bound against the DataItem.
OnClientNodeDragging: occurs while a node is being dragged.
OnClientNodeDragStart: occurs as the drag operation begins.
OnClientNodeDropped: occurs when a node is dropped on another node, between nodes or on an HTML element.
OnClientNodeDropping: occurs just before a node is dropped.
OnClientNodeEditStart: occurs as the edit begins.
OnClientNodeEdited: occurs when a node has been edited by the end user.
OnClientNodeEditing: occurs after the user has finished editing but before the OnClientNodeEdited event.
OnClientNodeExpanded: occurs after a parent node has expanded to display its child nodes.
OnClientNodeExpanding: occurs just before a parent node expands to display its child nodes.
OnClientNodePopulated: occurs when a load-on-demand operation has populated the child nodes of a parent node.
OnClientNodePopulating: occurs just before a load-on-demand operation has populated the child nodes of a parent node.
OnClientNodePopulationFailed: occurs when an error occurs on the server in a load-on-demand operation.
OnClientLoad: occurs after the RadTreeView client-side object has been fully initialized.
OnClientNodeAnimationEnd: occurs when the node is expanded / collapsed and after the animation has finished
To use these events, write a javascript function that can be called when an event occurs. Then assign the name of the JavaScript function as the value of the corresponding RadTreeView event property.
<telerik:RadTreeView RenderMode="Lightweight"
You can also assign event handlers in client-side code:
function AssignEventHandler()
var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
Another advantage of the client-side API is that you can detach an event handler dynamically:
function removeOnClicked2()
var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
For a live example of using client-side events, see Client-Side Events Demo.